The delegations of New Zealand and the United States submit this revised proposal for the establishment of a marine protected area (MPA) in the Ross Sea Region (“Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area”) by the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (Commission or CCAMLR). First submitted at CCAMLR XXXI in October 2012 and again at CCAMLR SM-II in July 2013 (CCAMLR-SM-II/04) and CCAMLR XXXII in October 2013 (CCAMLR-XXXII/27), our delegations propose that CCAMLR establish this MPA to conserve marine living resources; maintain ecosystem structure and function; protect vital ecosystem processes and areas of ecological significance; and promote scientific research, including through the establishment of reference areas. We thank Members for the many constructive discussions and comments regarding the Ross Sea Region MPA proposal at the recent meetings of the Scientific Committee and Commission in Hobart in October 2013. Taking careful consideration of those discussions and comments, the proposal has been further revised. Among the key revisions included are amendments to the preamble; the addition of MPA zone descriptions, including a listing of the specific protection and scientific objectives associated with the zones; reorganization and technical changes to reporting, review, and period of designation components; and other technical clarifications. We recognize that additional key issues related to the proposal were discussed by the Scientific Committee and the Commission at CCAMLR XXXII. These require further discussion and negotiation by the Commission. We look forward to working together with Members at CCAMLR XXXIII on those issues and the amendments proposed here to reach consensus for CCAMLR to establish an MPA in the Ross Sea Region.
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There is no abstract available for this document.
This report summarises observations made by France with regard to illegal fishing from 23 August 2013 to 23 August 2014. It covers Statistical Subarea 58.6 and Divisions 58.5.1 and 58.5.2 which include the Crozet, Kerguelen and Heard and McDonald EEZs respectively, as well as Statistical Divisions 58.4.3 and 58.4.4, international waters including BANZARE, Elan, Lena and Ob Banks, where France has carried out exploratory fisheries.
In the French EEZs, where the surveillance system remained in operation throughout the year, no observations of IUU fishing activity were noted or reported, although fishing gear not belonging to licensed vessels was found on a number of occasions. Furthermore, no IUU fishing activity was directly observed by France in the above-mentioned international areas.
Between 2004 and 2014, the satellite radar surveillance system and maritime patrols have proved their efficacy and these efforts should be continued. Indeed, with the exception of one year, vessels on CCAMLR’s IUU list have been observed every year over the last ten years. The most recent interception, in 2013, by a French naval frigate, of a fishing vessel in the Crozet EEZ, along with the regular recovery of illegal gear, is evidence of intrusions into the French EEZs. In international waters within the Convention Area (BANZARE, Elan, Lena and Ob Banks), observations over this period also report fishing activities being undertaken by vessels on CCAMLR’s IUU list.