Resultados de la búsqueda
Informe de pesquería: Champsocephalus gunnari en Georgia del Sur (Subárea 48.3)
shelf as predators of krill, Themisto and other euphausiids, and as prey of fur seals and gentoo ... variability in krill abundance at South Georgia, and in years of poor krill availability, icefish condition ... , which are normally krill dependent. 8. Harvest controls for the 2004/05 season and advice for 2005 ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Proposal to SCAR for the study of the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean – Draft annotated outline
rticula rly the deg1~ee to vrhi.'::h krill in di ffe rer~0 a~ce e.s f o rm independent s to cl\.s or sub ... resources than of krill ral research programme vill be needed, vith special emphar;;is, squid, on ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Lista de las medidas de conservación vigentes en la temporada 2013/14
exception of exploratory krill fisheries................................ 100 CONSERVATION MEASURE 24-01 ... of a specific tariff classification for Antarctic krill ................................... 201 ... -catch limits 33 Finfish Fisheries Toothfish 41 Icefish 42 Other finfish 43 Crustacean Fisheries Krill ...
Document : Site Section: Conservation and Management
Lista de las medidas de conservación vigentes en la temporada 2015/16
exception of exploratory krill fisheries................................ 105 (iv) CONSERVATION MEASURE ... Use of a specific tariff classification for Antarctic krill ................................... 211 ... -catch limits 33 Finfish Fisheries Toothfish 41 Icefish 42 Other finfish 43 Crustacean Fisheries Krill ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
SCAR group of specialists on living resources of the Southern Ocean – Newsletter 3
krill. 4. Status of the Draft Proposal to SCAR As of this writing the following sections have been ... a review paper on the technological harvesting of Antarctic krill and on methods of its utilization ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Lista de las medidas de conservación vigentes en la temporada 2014/15
exception of exploratory krill fisheries................................ 102 (iv) CONSERVATION MEASURE ... of a specific tariff classification for Antarctic krill ................................... 208 ... -catch limits 33 Finfish Fisheries Toothfish 41 Icefish 42 Other finfish 43 Crustacean Fisheries Krill ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation measures 2018/19 adopted track changes
, fishing for krill, fishing for icefish, transiting or transhipping. Format for indirect Flag ...
Document : Site Section: Conservation and Management
Lista de las medidas de conservación vigentes en la temporada 2002/03
MEASURE 23-06 (2002) Data Reporting System for Krill Fisheries ... Finfish Fisheries Toothfish 41 Icefish 42 Other finfish 43 Crustacean Fisheries Krill 51 Crab ... satellite-linked vessel monitoring systems (VMS) All areas All fisheries except krill fisheries ... All areas All except krill fisheries Indefinite 23-05 (2000)1,2,3 Monthly fine-scale biological ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Southern Ocean. British Antarctic Survey Cambridge, England. - 10 - KOCK, K.-H. (1985a): Krill ... -----r11r---"'7.-:""'::"'1'1, ""--·- - • bottom trawl • Krill trawl ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Seals: Trophic modelling of the Ross Sea
are specialist krill eaters (Oritsland 1977; Laws 1984; Ainley & DeMaster 1990). The main cusps of ... the upper and lower teeth fit together to sieve invertebrates from the water. In the Ross Sea, krill ... relatively shallowly (<100 m), and consume krill, fish, squid, penguins (especially Adelie penguins), a ... to take substantial quantities of krill in the winter (Kuhn et al. 2006). Leopard seals will also ...
Document : Site Section: Publications