Resultados de la búsqueda
Fishes: Trophic modelling of the Ross Sea
most remaining species. Symbols refer to model compartments, where A–D are defined above. K, krill and ... cm have been caught in large numbers by Russian vessels using midwater trawls targeting krill and P ... feeding on early life stages of krill and other meso and macrozooplankton. At a size of 5–15 cm, these ... % silverfish; 10% pelagic fish; 20% squid; 5% other (i.e. non-krill) macrozooplankton. The vast majority of ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Candidatos internacionales – Información general sobre los puestos abiertos a candidaturas
multilateral response to concerns that unregulated increases in krill catches in the Southern Ocean could be ... krill for food. Conservation of Marine Resources The CAMLR Convention applies to all Antarctic ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Lista de las medidas de conservación vigentes en la temporada 2003/04
-06 (2002) Data Reporting System for Krill Fisheries ... finfish 43 Crustacean Fisheries Krill 51 Crab 52 Mollusc Fisheries Squid 61 ... satellite-linked vessel monitoring systems (VMS) All areas All fisheries except krill fisheries All ... krill fisheries All seasons 23-05 (2000)1,2,3 Monthly fine-scale biological data reporting system ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Physical data used in space averaging: Trophic modelling of the Ross Sea
. Distribution of Antarctic krill concentrations exploited by Japanese krill trawlers and Minke whales ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Outline of a proposal to SCAR for the study of the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean
research programme 2.1 Population dynamics and ecology of krill iJ 2.2 Population dynamics and ecology ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Interim provisions
the principal species, fundamentally Krill. ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Letter from the Co-conveners
implementation of CASAL2, the progression of krill management methods, addressing outcomes of the independent ...
Document : Site Section: Meetings
United States draft resolution on Interim Measures
harvesting of krill by their national·s and vessels as follows: DOJ ,J . .1 D.T./1S 3. To establish ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Lista de las medidas de conservación vigentes en la temporada 2005/06
-06 (2005) Data Reporting System for Krill Fisheries ... finfish 43 Crustacean Fisheries Krill 51 Crab 52 Mollusc Fisheries Squid 61 ... Monitoring Systems (VMS) All areas All fisheries except krill fisheries All seasons 10-05 (2005 ... reporting system for trawl, longline and pot fisheries All areas All except krill fisheries All seasons ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Interim provisions
, fundamentally Krill. ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation