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Lista de las medidas de conservación vigentes en la temporada 2004/05
-06 (2004) Data Reporting System for Krill Fisheries ... satellite-linked Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) All areas All fisheries except krill fisheries All ... krill fisheries All seasons 23-05 (2000)1,2,3 Monthly fine-scale biological data reporting system ... for trawl, longline and pot fisheries All areas All except krill fisheries All seasons 23-06 (2004 ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 31 selected tables
. The catch history of krill (Euphausia superba) by month and small-scale management unit (SSMU) was ... ( Catches of krill by month and SSMU are based on ... are allocated to the SSMU groups (see ‘csv data files’ below). SSMUs have been defined in the krill ... krill fishing which takes place occasionally outside the Convention Area (e.g. Division 41.3.2), and ...
Document : Site Section: Data
Information brochure
Workshop between krill fishery operators and CCAMLR Scientists. The workshop will be held at the Chilean ...
Document : Site Section: Meetings
Volume 1: CCAMLR. 1990. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 1 (1970–1979). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
convention area, and for krill from Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and the Prydz Ba.y Integrated Study Area ... Channichthyidae Nototheniidae Osteichthyes nei Description cephalopods krill, euphausids skates and rays ... the fishing. For the Convention area, three major targeted fisheries are reported, squids, krill ... targeted at krill and 'unspecified finfish' only. 3.4 All data is recorded at the CCAMLR data centre in ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Volume 4: CCAMLR. 1992. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 4 (1982–1991). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
for finfish from the whole of the Convention Area, and for krill from Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and ... krill, euphausids cephaIopods skates and rays lantemfish cods ice fish Antarctic rock cods ... targeted fisheries are reported, squids, krill (KRI), Dissostichus eleginoides (TOP) and unspecified ... . Consequently Tables 10 to 13 give details of effort reported as targeted at krill, Dissostichus and ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
CCAMLR Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 29 selected tables
krill (Euphausia superba) by month and small-scale management unit (SSMU) was added to the Statistical ... : STATLANT data also cover krill fishing which takes place occasionally outside the Convention Area (e.g ... Area; however these data are not reported in the Statistical Bulletin.] Catches of krill by month ... in the krill fisheries in the southwest Atlantic (Area 48) (refer as follows ...
Document : Site Section: Data
Letter from the Convener
). (iv) A review of progress on an integrated stock assessment for krill (SC-CAMLR-XXXII, paragraph 3.32 ...
Document : Site Section: Meetings
Sea Ice Biota: Trophic modelling of the Ross Sea
birds (Kaufmann et al. 1995). Krill are also known to be attracted to the concentrations of food ... may be large enough (chains 10–30 m long) to serve as food for juvenile krill since ... choanoflagellates forming colonies up to 18 m diameter have been shown to serve as sources of food for krill (e.g ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Field Identification Guide to Heard Island and McDonald Islands Benthic Invertebrates
90 Krill 92 Amphipods or sand hoppers 93 Isopods or sea slaters 96 Tanaids 99 Cumaceans or hooded ... lobsters NEX Decapoda prawns and shrimps DCP Euphausiacea krill KRX Isopoda sea slaters ISH Amphipoda sand ... . Individuals of the genus Pasiphea are common in the deep waters around HIMI. PAGE 90 COMMON NAME Krill (KRX ... pointing rostrum and a pair of compound eyes. Unlike shrimps, the gills of krill are not enclosed in the ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Field Identification Guide to Heard Island and McDonald Island Benthic Invertebrates
90 Krill 92 Amphipods or sand hoppers 93 Isopods or sea slaters 96 Tanaids 99 Cumaceans or hooded ... lobsters NEX Decapoda prawns and shrimps DCP Euphausiacea krill KRX Isopoda sea slaters ISH Amphipoda sand ... . Individuals of the genus Pasiphea are common in the deep waters around HIMI. PAGE 90 COMMON NAME Krill (KRX ... pointing rostrum and a pair of compound eyes. Unlike shrimps, the gills of krill are not enclosed in the ...
Document : Site Section: Science