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Some properties of diagnostics of GLMM model tuning for standardising CPUE indices in the Area 48 using the CCAMLR fishery statistics database
Abstract: The data of krill fishery in Subarea 48 for 1986 – 2008 presented to CAMLR database by ... residuals significantly deviated from the normal distribution. The number of krill hauls, where Pearson’s ... of krill hauls in the CAMLR database for 1986 – 2008. It was shown that extremely high CPUE values ... indices estimation for krill fishery description claim special attention. The authors discussed several ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/44 : Autor(es): P. Gasyukov and S. Kasatkina (Russia)
Distribution of the Soviet fishing fleet and catches (CPUE) in Subdivision 48.3 during 1986–1990
Abstract: Analysis of the fishing fleet operation is one of preconditions of krill fishery small ... for the Soviet krill fishery in subdivision 48.3 for 1986-1980 (15 thousand hauls) were analyzed ... meander. On the basis of the materials presented some aspects of krill fishery and krill consuming animals ... competition between these species for krill resources. Author(s): V.A. Sushin, P.C. Gasiukov, A.V. Zimin and ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/63 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): V.A. Sushin, P.C. Gasiukov, A.V. Zimin and S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
Ecosystem studies carried out during the second Ukrainian Marine Antarctic Expedition in Subareas 48.2 and 48.1 in 1998
specific features of the environmental conditions, state of the krill population, other functionally ... ), low abundance of krill larvae, plenty of salps (their abundance and biomass occurred to be higher 1.6 ... composition of krill and in its biomass on the fishing sites near the Elephant Island and the King George ... Island. In the former of them the basis of catches comprises krill of the third size group (evidently ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/5 : Autor(es): V. Bibik and P. Gozhik (Ukraine)
was dominated by krill, Euphausia superba and by the amphipod Themisto gaudichaudii. Smaller (younger ... sp. and took smaller quantities of E. superba. In a season of poor krill availability (summer of 2003 ... -2004) the proportion of krill in the diet, stomach fullness and fish condition (indicated by length ... -weight relationships) were significantly lower than in the other summer seasons. The poor krill season ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-08/29 : Autor(es): C.E. Main, M.A. Collins, R. Mitchell and M. Belchier (UK)
Developing a Risk Assessment for Subarea 48.1 using tracking data
Abstract: CCAMLR has endorsed the use of the Risk Assessment framework to apportion the krill ... catch limits in order to minimise the risk of the fishery to krill dependent predators. We plan to apply ... requires data layers describing the distribution and krill consumption by krill-dependent predators. This ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/24 : Autor(es): V. Warwick-Evans, A. Friedlaender, J.T. Hinke, N. Kokubun, J.H. Kim and P.N. Trathan
The role of fish in the Antarctic marine food web: differences between inshore and offshore waters in the southern Scotia Arc and west Antarctic Peninsula
is more important than that of krill. There, demersal fish are major consumers of benthos and also ... feed on zooplankton (mainly krill in summer), and are links between lower and upper levels of the food ... benthos and feed more on zooplankton (mainly krill) and nekton, and are less accessible as prey of birds ... ecosystem, krill (E. superba) plays the central role in the food web because it is the main food source in ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-02/6 : Autor(es): E. Barrera-Oro (Argentina)
Summary of research voyages in the South Orkney Islands region in 2015/16
inform the further development of spatial management, including feedback management of the krill fishery ... and Norway, and focused on the krill-based ecosystem in the main fishing area in Subarea 48.2 ... behaviour of krill and its predators across a range of temporal and spatial scales using acoustics, nets and ... important interactions between krill, krill predators and the commercial fishery that will be an important ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/28 : Autor(es): Delegations of the United Kingdom and Norway
Foraging response of Antarctic fur seals to changes in the marine environment
1964 d at sea. The frequencies of krill, fish and squid in the diet were estimated from prey items ... contained in scats. In 1996, a year of high krill abundance, females made shorter foraging trips, fewer ... dives and spent more time ashore than in 1994 when krill was scarce. Females fed exclusively on krill in ... 1996, and frequent shallow daytime diving indicated that krill were close to the surface during the day ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-99/35 : Autor(es): D.J. McCafferty, I.L. Boyd, T.R. Walker and R.I. Taylor (United Kingdom)
Diet overlap among top predators at the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica
2000 at South Orkney Islands. Overall, the diet of most of the predators was mainly composed of krill ... 36.7 and fish, krill and squid re-occurred most frequently. The re-occurrence of fish among predator ... variable diets. This variability may be explained by fluctuations in krill availability. In years when ... krill is scarce (e.g. 2000), these predators can diversify their diet by increasing the consumption of ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/04 : Autor(es): M.L. Bertolin and R. Casaux
The Use of Penguin Stomachal Contents for the Simultaneous Study of Prey and Predator Parameters
Abstract: Penguins selectivity for krill size is shown as highly sensitive to the statistical ... independence between krill found in the stomach of a given penguin prevents the pooling of krill lengths from ... highly significant linear regression between krill size and time was found. Full use of the information ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-89/16 : Autor(es): E. Marschoff and B. González (Argentina)