Resultados de la búsqueda
A krill–predator–fishery model for evaluating candidate management procedures
Abstract: The CCAMLR has recognised the need to subdivide the precautionary krill catch limit for ... Statistical Area 48 amongst smaller spatial units in order to minimize the localized depletion of krill in ... necessary to evaluate these procedures in terms of their likely effects on krill and predator populations as ... uncertainty about how the krill-predator- fishery system operates. We describe a model designed to investigate ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/13 : Autor(es): G.M. Watters, J.T. Hinke (USA), K. Reid and S. Hill (United Kingdom)
An ecosystem-based approach to management: using individual behaviour to predict the indirect effects of Antarctic krill fisheries on penguin foraging
interactions within and between species. 2. Ecological interactions involving krill are of major importance to ... understand the interactions between penguins and krill to determine the indirect effect of krill fisheries on ... is predicted to reduce penguin food intake. Given the documented links between krill and penguins ... , this also leads to a prediction of decreased penguin survival and reproduction. Krill behaviour is ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/34 : Autor(es): S.H. Alonzo, P.V. Switzer and M. Mangel (USA)
Some comments on the procedure of krill target strength assessment in echosurveys
in echosurveys is discussed. It is known that krill abundance and biomass estimation should be ... trawl selectivity and catchability. Krill abundance estimation related to TS target strength values ... : assessment of MSBS (MVBS) acoustic parameter distribution and krill length (weight) distribution in the study ... measuring system. However, the information obtained in that case provides not only total krill abundance ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-98/21 : Autor(es): S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
30 years of krill fisheries management – challenges remain
Abstract: Current Antarctic krill fishing practices have been deviating from historical fishing ... frequently. The reproduction and survival of krill are significantly affected by sea ice cover. This is of ... concern since key spawning, recruitment and nursery areas of krill are located in the Southwest Atlantic ... winter sea ice. CCAMLR needs to maintain a precautionary approach to krill fisheries management. The ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXX/BG/19 : Autor(es): Submitted by ASOC
Histopathology of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, bearing black spots
Abstract: Small black spots have been noticed on the cephalothorax of Antarctic krill, Euphausia ... superba, since January, 2001. To study the nature of the black spots, the krill were sampled in the winter ... bacteria or amorphous material. In the 2007 samples, 42% of the krill had melanized nodules. Most of the ... nodules had an opening on the body surface of the krill. A single melanized nodule often contained more ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/P09 : Autor(es): S. Miwa, T. Kamaishi, T. Matsuyama, T. Hayashi and M. Naganobu
Bias in the estimation of krill yield from using a deterministic formulation of the median unexploited spawning biomass
krill yields according to decision rules that relate spawning stock status to the median unexploited ... spawning biomass, SB0. The first model has been developed specifically for krill, the krill yield model ... ). The krill yield model uses a biased estimate of SB0 with a method for correcting this bias in the ... correction. This paper examines the implications for estimates of krill yield from using the biased estimate ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/45 : Autor(es): de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A.J.
Net sample validation of acoustic techniques used to identify and size Antarctic krill
Abstract: Acoustic surveys to estimate krill biomass require that sound backscattered by krill be ... collected with an RMT8. Around 80 % of the targets thought to be krill on the basis of their appearance on ... echo-charts were also identified as krill on the basis of their difference in backscatter at 38 and 120 ... kHz (ΔMVBS = MVBSI20- MVBS3S; where ΔMVBS between 2 & 12 dB). Biomass values estimated from krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/46 : Autor(es): Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S.
Recommendations on estimating krill escape mortality during fishing operations: the problems and approaches
Abstract: The task to estimate the escape mortality of krill during the fishing operation ... assigned by Scientific Committee requires assessment of the total krill passed through the rope and netting ... parts of trawl and krill amount appeared unviable in the process of escapement. The recommendations ... ». Estimation of the total amount of krill escaped from the rope and netting parts of the trawl is proposed to ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-10/18 : Autor(es): V.K. Korotkov and S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
A sentiment analysis of online content containing Antarctic krill fishing search terms
Abstract: The sentiment of online content containing Antarctic krill fishing and related search ... decisions. The Antarctic krill fishery is managed by the Commission for the Conservation of 14 Antarctic ... Antarctic krill has caused concern for the 17 future of krill populations among stakeholders and has ... information about Antarctic krill, 19 typically through online searches and social media. Public perception of ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/18 : Autor(es): J. Barrett, K. Reid and J. Jabour
Advances are urgently needed in providing regular estimates of krill stock status based on the available data
Abstract: CCAMLR currently manages the krill fishery in subareas 48.1 to 48.4 using an arbitrary ... measure (the trigger level) which was established in 1991 and is “not related to the status of the krill ... include requests to “assess the status of krill” and “develop management advice … for management of krill ... fisheries”. Although WG-EMM is now a quarter century old, it rarely assesses the status of the krill stock ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-2019/28 : Autor(es): S. Hill, J. Hinke, N. Ratcliffe, P. Trathan and G. Watters