Resultados de la búsqueda
Analysis of the krill fishery in Subarea 48.1 considering trawl fishing method used (2010–2016)
Abstract: An analysis of spatio-temporal variability of CPUE indices in the krill fishery in ... using the standardized CPUE indices as krill biomass density indices for monitoring the variability of ... krill biomass in SSMU during the fishing season is discussed. Variability of monthly average ... standardized CPUE estimates in the Bransfield strait shows that despite intensive fishery the density of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/27 : Autor(es): S. Kasatkina S. and L. Boronina
Influence of krill availability on humpback whale breeding success
Abstract: The abundance of the Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) has been declining in the ... survival) of the krill consumers may be compromised. In the present study, we investigated the reproductive ... success of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) from Breeding Stock G in relation to krill density ... Hemisphere if such changes negatively affect the production of krill. Therefore, it is recommended that ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/P15 : Autor(es): E. Seyboth, F. Félix, M.-A. Lea, L. Dalla Rosa, G. Watters, K. Reid and E. Secchi
Observation on interactions between marine mammals and krill mid-water trawl
Abstract: An observation on the interaction between marine mammal and krill midwater trawl was ... carried out onboard the Chinese krill fishing vessel Fu Rong Hai during the 2018/19 fishing season. The ... observed either. The observation found the Antarctic fur seals would be attracted by the codend of krill ... seals. Future researches on the interaction between marine mammals and krill fishing gears would be ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/20 : Autor(es): Y. Ying, G. Fan, X. Zhao, J. Zhang, X. Wang and J. Zhu
Abstract: Combination of conventional and continuous techniques during krill fishery at the ... Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) caught by these two techniques. Results of comparison are discussed in ... relation to the selectivity of fishing gears and the space-time variability of krill. Differences between ... size composition of krill caught by conventional and continuous techniques of fishery which could be ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/14 : Autor(es): D. Sologub (Russia)
Abstract: Improvement of krill fishing notification accuracy through notification fees Delegation ... of the United States The Commission adopted notification procedures for krill fishing in 2005. These ... krill fishing for the coming season. However, grossly inaccurate estimations of krill catch provided in ... krill catch and to provide robust scientific advice. Instead, the Scientific Committee’s scarce and ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIX/34 : Autor(es): Delegation of the USA
Observer activities on Japanese krill fishing vessels in the CCAMLR Convention Area
Abstract: Unlike toothfish fishery, IUU fishery is not a serious concern in krill fishery ... . Although the increase of expected catch of krill notified in recent years has caused concerns among some ... urgent management concern related to krill fishery. In addition, CCAMLR XXV agreed “that the priorities ... for scientific observers (for krill fishery) were to collect data to: (i) compare fishing methods, (ii ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/41 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): Delegation of Japan
Krill fishery information
Abstract: Compilation of information and work pertaining to the krill fisheries in CCAMLR waters ... on catches for the current season (2003/04); • Measures of overlap between the krill fishery and ... krill predators; • A revised plan for the krill fishery in Area 48. Author(s): Secretariat Title ... : Krill fishery information Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/15 : Autor(es): Secretariat
An acoustic estimation of krill densities to the north of South Georgia in January 1994
krill from other acoustic targets. A generic target strength to weight relationship was used to derive ... krill densities from 120 kHz signals attributed krill. At less than 1 g m-2, mean weighted krill ... provide further evidence of an extreme krill paucity around South Georgia in the 1993/4 season. Author(s ... ): Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S. Title: An acoustic estimation of krill densities to the north of South ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/74 : Autor(es): Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S.
Interaction between oceanography, krill and baleen whales in the Ross Sea and adjacent waters, Antarctica in 2004/05
conditions, and the distribution of krill as prey and baleen whales as predators in the Ross Sea and its ... thermal conditions, krill and baleen whale distributions. The oceanography of the surface layer was ... distribution patterns of each species. Antarctic krill (Euphausia superb) mainly distributed in the Antarctic ... -200 =-1°C). Ice krill (Euphausia crystallorophias) clearly distributed in SW but not ASW. Humpback ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/07 : Autor(es): M. Naganobu, S. Nishiwaki, H. Yasuma, R. Matsukura, Y. Takao, K. Taki, T. Hayashi, Y. Watanabe, T. Yabuki, Y. Yoda, Y. Noiri, M. Kuga, K. Yoshikawa, N. Kokubun, H. Murase, K. Matsuoka and K. Ito (Japan)
Near-shore acoustic surveys for Antarctic krill at South Georgia, January 2004
the surveys was to determine krill density near shore, in regions that have not traditionally been ... speeds of up to 7 knots. Echo intensity data were scaled to krill density using a target strength ... determined from the length distribution of krill sampled from fur seal scats at Bird Island (mean krill ... length 53.13 mm, TS =-38.43 dB kg-1). Mean krill densities were 7.1 g m-2 off the Barff Peninsula and 5.7 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/35 : Autor(es): A.S. Brierley, P.N. Trathan, J. Poncet and A. Morton (United Kingdom)