Resultados de la búsqueda
eastern part of the Area 48 (Subareas 48.4 and 48.6) were summarized. Distribution of krill was analyzed ... to formation of commercial krill aggregations, which might be attractive in biomass distribution to ... probable directions of krill exploratory fishery in the Convention Area. Author(s): V.N. Shnar and S.M ... . Kasatkina (Russia) Title: STRUCTURE OF THE WATER MASSES AND KRILL DISTRIBUTION IN THE CENTRAL AND EASTERN ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/24 : Autor(es): V.N. Shnar and S.M. Kasatkina (Russia)
Abstract: Antarctic krill embryos and larvae were experimentally exposed to 380 (control), 1000 ... of krill. No significant effects were detected on embryonic development or larval behaviour at 1000 μ ... -response relationship for krill developmental and later stages, in order to predict the possible fate of ... . Berli, J.P. Robinson, A. Ishida, M. Wakita, P. Virtue, S. Nicol and A. Ishimatsu Title: WILL KRILL FARE ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-11/P6 : Autor(es): S. Kawaguchi, H. Kurihara, R. King, L. Hale, T. Berli, J.P. Robinson, A. Ishida, M. Wakita, P. Virtue, S. Nicol and A. Ishimatsu
Rationale, structure and current templates of the Ecosystem, Productivity, Ocean, Climate (EPOC) modelling framework to support evaluation of strategies to subdivide the Area 48 krill catch limit amongst small-scale management units
undertaking a work program to develop a management procedure for krill fisheries. To date, this has primarily ... focussed on subdividing the region-wide krill catch limit in the southwest Atlantic into small-scale ... environment for evaluating the strategies for subdividing the krill catch limit and, on the basis of these ... evaluation of strategies to subdivide the Area 48 krill catch limit amongst small-scale management units ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-07/14 : Autor(es): A. Constable (Australia)
Seasonal variation in acoustic estimates of krill density at South Georgia during 2001/2002
Abstract: Four separate acoustic surveys of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were conducted ... Antarctic Survey regularly since 1996. Krill density in November was low (5 g m-2), higher in both the two ... importance of understanding the relative contributions of physical and biological processes to krill ... , E. Murphy and K. Reid (United Kingdom) Title: Seasonal variation in acoustic estimates of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/39 : Autor(es): C. Goss, S.A. Grant, N. Cunningham, J.L. Watkins, P.N. Trathan, E. Murphy and K. Reid (United Kingdom)
Horizontal flux of secondary production in the southern ocean food web: current velocity data and the transport of krill in the South Georgia ecosystem
. These have been combined with estimates of krill density and standing stocks to consider the flux of ... krill through the South Georgia area and estimate residence times. These data have been considered with ... infomation the spatial food web connections, the flux of krill and residence times. Author(s): Everson, I.E ... : current velocity data and the transport of krill in the South Georgia ecosystem Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/65 : Autor(es): Everson, I.E., Trathan, P.N., Murphy, E.J.
Bycatch of fishes captured by the krill fishing vessel Chiyo Maru No. 2 in Statistical Area 58 (January to March 1995)
Abstract: A final report of scientific observations conducted aboard the Japanese krill fishing ... ). In numbers, an average of about 20 fish were caught per ton of krill, and an average of about 23 fish ... krill, and an average of about 2 kg of fish were caught per hour of towing. Confidence intervals for ... krill fishing vessel Chiyo Maru No. 2 in Statistical Area 58 (January to March 1995) Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-95/40 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): Watters, G.
Recommendations from a cross-sector workshop on krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic Peninsula region
day workshop entitled “Understanding the objectives for krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia ... management of the krill fishery that minimises the risk of the fishery negatively impacting ecosystem health ... progress in the management of the krill fishery; broadening participation in WG-EMM to include other ... from a cross-sector workshop on krill fishing and conservation in the Scotia Sea and Antarctic ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/12 : Autor(es): S. Hill, R. Cavanagh, R. Downie, C. Knowland and S. Grant (United Kingdom)
A brief review of information relevant to the establishment of a Krill Research Zone within the proposed Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area
Region Marine Protected Area (RSRMPA) that included the addition of a Krill Research Zone (KRZ). A ... , focusing primarily on krill and krill-dependent predators. Here we provide a summary of that review, which ... establishment of a Krill Research Zone within the proposed Ross Sea Region Marine Protected Area Microsoft Word ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/49 : Autor(es): E.S. Klein and G.M. Watters
Antarctic krill fisheries management and the need to retain CM 51-07
. Discussions at WG-EMM-16 provided further evidence that concentrating krill fishing operations in areas being ... , CM 51-07 has minimized the risks of localized krill depletion and therefore should not be allowed to ... between fishing locations and predator foraging areas to minimize the risk of fishery impacts on krill ... predators. Author(s): Submitted by ASOC Title: Antarctic krill fisheries management and the need to retain ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/17 : Autor(es): Submitted by ASOC
Analysis of inter-vessel variability of krill length distribution in the catches obtained in the fishery in the Bransfield Strait (Subarea 48.1)
Abstract: The inter-vessel variability of krill distribution in the catches obtained in the ... statistically significant differences in the krill length distributions from catches obtained by the vessels ... different fishing methods. The inter-vessel variability of krill length in the catches is more pronounced ... . Kasatkina Title: Analysis of inter-vessel variability of krill length distribution in the catches obtained ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/28 : Autor(es): S. Kasatkina