Resultados de la búsqueda
Fishing behaviour of Chinese krill fishing fleet
relationship between distance and frequency distribution of the adjacent krill fishing positions were analyzed ... ) ~ l-μ of random walk to determine which random walk patterns the Chinese krill fishing fleet belongs ... to. The results show that the behavior of the Chinese krill fishing fleet is consistent with the Lévy ... random walk model. Author(s): R. Wang and G.P. Zhu Title: Fishing behaviour of Chinese krill fishing ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/45 : Autor(es): R. Wang and G.P. Zhu
Comparing two and three frequency dB window identification techniques for estimating Antarctic krill density
frequency echosounder (38, 70, 120 and 200 kHz), were used to characterise Antarctic krill. Identification ... of krill targets was carried out using different permutations of two and three-frequency windows ... . Density was estimated, from identified krill targets, using the 120 kHz data and an acoustic scattering ... identification techniques for estimating Antarctic krill density Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-18/01 : Autor(es): S. Fielding
Foraging strategies of chinstrap penguins at Signy Island, Antarctica: importance of benthic feeding on Antarctic krill
krill Euphausia superba in the Southern Ocean. To examine their foraging strategy, we studied foraging ... both types of trip fed almost exclusively on Antarctic krill. There was a positive relationship between ... krill, the first such recorded instance for chinstrap penguins. This previously undescribed foraging ... strategy by one of the major avian consumers of Antarctic krill provides a new insight into the predator ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/37 : Autor(es): A. Takahashi (Japan), M.J. Dunn, P.N. Trathan (United Kingdom), K. Sato, Y. Naito (Japan), J.P. Croxall (United Kingdom)
Distribution of Soviet commercial fleet at krill fishery in the South Orkneys subarea (Subarea 48.2) during 1989/90
caused by topogenic effect. No temporally and spatially sustained krill aggregations (atractive to ... commercial fleet fished oceanic krill aggregations formed in the major flow transporting krill northeastwards ... aggregation, existed for about 25 days, commercial vessels returned to Coronation Island. Krill drift velocity ... at krill fishery in the South Orkneys subarea (Subarea 48.2) during 1989/90 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/50 : Autor(es): Sushin, V.A.
Hydroacoustic surveys of the distribution and abundance of krill: Prydz Bay region – FIBEX, ADBEX II and SIBEX II
Abstract: Hydroacoustic surveys of the distribution and abundance of krill, Euphausia superba ... abundance (biomass) of krill in the Prydz Bay region as a whole and the weight density of krill along each ... , that there had actually been changes in the abundance of krill in the region over the period between ... distribution and abundance of krill: Prydz Bay region – FIBEX, ADBEX II and SIBEX II Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/40 : Autor(es): Delegation of Australia
Among-year variation in growth of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba based on length-frequency data
and easy to implement. We applied the methods to Antarctic krill Euphausia superba collected from the ... Southern Ocean over a span of 19 yr to document among-year variation in krill growth during the austral ... estimates of among-year variation in krill growth. We estimate very high among-year variation in growth ... (annual estimates for a 30 mm krill in the Elephant Island region ranged from 0.00 to0.17 mm d −1; mean ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/P01 : Autor(es): A.O. Shelton, D. Kinzey, C. Reiss, S. Munch, G. Watters and M. Mangel (USA)
Distribution, density and relative abundance of Antarctic krill estimated by maximum likelihood geostatistics on acoustic data collected during commercial fishing operations
Abstract: There is a substantial harvestfor Antarctic krill in the Southern Ocean, butlittle ... provide an example where 34 days of acoustic data, collected during commercial krill fishing operations on ... to preferential sampling of high density krill aggregations and/or limited area coverage within short ... by the fishing vessels, can be useful to obtain quantitative evaluations of krill density and ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/P12 : Autor(es): E.J. Niklitschek and G. Skaret
Acoustic monitoring and evaluation of krill in the Antarctic ecosystem Bransfield Strait and around Elephant Island during ANTAR XXI and XXII, aboard RV Humboldt, Peru
Abstract: Monitoring and hydroacoustic assessment of the distribution and biomass of krill ... ; ANTAR XXII: 16 stations). Results indicated that krill swarms during the day swarms were recorded at ... from the surface to 20 m deep. A wide distribution of krill in the study area, the highest densities ... ²). The estimations of hydroacoustic biomass krill by the method of Distorted Stochastic Approximation ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-16/76 : Autor(es): R. Cornejo, M. Flores and J. Zuzunaga
Precautionary management of the Antarctic krill fishery at small spatial scales in the context of regional climate variability: pros and cons of coastal buffers, closed areas and move-on rules
changes in the oceanic domain add to the complexity of managing the Antarctic krill fishery, particularly ... plausible that removals of even small amounts of krill could have reduced foraging opportunities. We discuss ... three management tools that could provide conservation benefits for near-shore krill-dependent species ... buffers closed to fishing during the penguin breeding season could reduce krill catches by approximately ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/14 : Autor(es): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Evaluation of some processing techniques applied to acoustic recordings from two krill fishing vessels
Abstract: Acoustic data from krill fishing vessels have the potential to provide useful ... contributions to assess local krill abundance and distribution, and even as input to the CCAMLR feedback ... . Here we show examples of processing with a prerequisite that abundance and distribution of krill are ... integration as a robust noise excluding technique, and as a krill identification technique in case data have ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-17/03 : Autor(es): X. Wang, G. Skaret and O.R. Godø