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Analysis of trends in Japanese krill fishery, and its implication
Abstract: Haul by haul logbook data from the Japanese krill fishery from 1980/81 to 2003/04 ... suggest that krill fishery in South Orkney and South Georgia area are both operating around a critical ... : Analysis of trends in Japanese krill fishery, and its implication Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/52 : Autor(es): S. Kawaguchi, S. Candy, S. Nicol (Australia), K. Taki and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Comparison of temperature situation near South Georgia in December–February, 1989–1990, 1990–1991, 1999–2000 and 2000–2001 on satellite data and information about krill catches in Subarea 48.3
situation of krill fishery in Subarea 48.3 for the entire coming year already by the summer season onset ... . Reliability of the krill fishery forecasts could be judged only by actual results of fishing activities under ... and 2000–2001 on satellite data and information about krill catches in Subarea 48.3 Approval ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/11 : Autor(es): G. Vanyushin (Russia)
Analysis of krill trawling positions in the area north of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula area) from 1980/81 to 1998/99
Abstract: Positions of commercial krill operation for 1980/81 season to 1998/99 season in the ... Island area (Spearman's rank correlation, p<0.05), but not with krill densities. This may be due ... (Japan) Title: Analysis of krill trawling positions in the area north of the South Shetland Islands ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-00/58 : Autor(es): S. Kawaguchi (Japan)
Krill catches and consumption by land-based predators in relation to distance from colonies of penguins and seals in the South Shetlands and South Orkneys
around the coasts of the South Shetland and South Orkney Islands. Krill catches in these zones are shown ... are used to show that for some years, months and zones of distance from the shore the catch of krill ... is 50% or more of the land-based predator consumption. Author(s): Secretariat Title: Krill catches ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-X/BG/07 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Krill catches and consumption by land-based predators in relation to distance from colonies of penguins and seals in the South Shetlands and South Orkneys, 1987-1990
around the coasts of the South Shetland and South Orkney islands. Krill catches in these zones are shown ... for some years, months and zones of distance from the shore the catch of krill is 50% or more of the ... land-based predator consumption. Author(s): D.J. Agnew (Secretariat) Title: Krill catches and ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-91/25 : Autor(es): D.J. Agnew (Secretariat)
The Chinese national scientific observer program for the krill fishery in the Convention Areas from fishing season 2009/10 to 2014/15
Abstract: Since entered in the krill fishery in the 2009/10 fishing season, China has made every ... krill fishing activities. The Bureau of Fisheries (BoF), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of P. R. China ... Chinese national scientific observer program for the krill fishery in the Convention Areas from fishing ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIV/BG/28 : Autor(es): Delegation of the People’s Republic of China
Spatio-temporal dynamics of the Antarctic krill fishery within fishing hotspots in the Bransfield Strait and South Shetland Islands
the krill fishing hotspots and a description of the daily CPUE pattern for the krill fishery. This ... the Antarctic krill fishery within fishing hotspots in the Bransfield Strait and South Shetland ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-18/P11 : Autor(es): F. Santa Cruz, B. Ernst, J.A. Arata and C. Parada
Fish by-catch in the krill fishery: 2018 update
Abstract: Data on fish bycatch in the krill fishery from commercial catch data (120 949 hauls ... the commercial krill fishery catch data. As in previous years there was a high degree of overlap in ... in the krill fishery: 2018 update Microsoft Word File: fsa-18-10.docx Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-18/10 : Autor(es): CCAMLR Secretariat
Long-term forecast of the conditions of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) fisheries in the Antarctic part of the Atlantic Ocean
Antarctic krill (tones per hour) as the major indicator of its abundance and density of concentrations in ... index of krill abundance in the first of the abovementioned areas and inversely linked with one in the ... ): V.A. Bibik and V.A. Bryantsev (Ukraine) Title: Long-term forecast of the conditions of krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/15 : Autor(es): V.A. Bibik and V.A. Bryantsev (Ukraine)
Fishing ground selection in krill fishery: trends in its patterns across years, seasons, and nations
century of krill operation in Area 48, patterns of SSMU usage has changed. Three different patterns of ... SSMUs did not always match the areas of high krill densities observed by scientific surveys, and ... ): S. Kawaguchi (Australia), K. Taki and M. Naganobu (Japan) Title: Fishing ground selection in krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-05/28 : Autor(es): S. Kawaguchi (Australia), K. Taki and M. Naganobu (Japan)