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Homogeneity of body length composition of Antarctic krill within the commercial zone
Paper Title: Homogeneity of body length composition of Antarctic krill within the commercial zone ... Abstract / Description: The homogeneity of krill (Euphausia superba) length composition in commercial ... between different hauls was most noticeable in areas where krill length frequency compositions were ... WG-KRILL-90/ll REV.l HOMOGENEITY OF BODY LENGTH ... COMPOSITION OF ANTARCTIC KRILL WITHIN THE COMMERCIAL ZONE T.Ichii* Abstract The homogeneity of krill ... de longueurs du krill (Euphausia superba) dans les captures commerciales des chaluts (traits) a ete ... les regions Oll les distributions de frequences de longueurs du krill sont bimodales. Pe310Me ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 17–28 : Autor(es): Ichii, T.
The foraging range of Adélie penguins at Béchervaise Island, Mac. Robertson Land, Antarctica, and its overlap with the krill fishery
, Antarctica, and its overlap with the krill fishery Abstract / Description: The foraging ranges of six female ... when the sea became ice free to the coast. Concentrations of krill, Euphausia superba, which have in ... . Robertson Land Coast (approximately 150 000 pairs) and any future harvest of krill in the region. The ... in the South Shetland and South Orkney Islands and reflects the distance offshore of krill, one of ... BECHERV AISE ISLAND, MAC. ROBERTSON LAND, ANTARCTICA, AND ITS OVERLAP WITH THE KRILL FISHERY K.R ... the sea became ice free to the coast. Concentrations of krill, Euphausia superba, which have in the ... . Robertson Land Coast (approximately 150000 pairs) and any future harvest of krill in the region. The ... birds in the South Shetland and South Orkney Islands and reflects the distance offshore of krill, one ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9) : 337–344 : Autor(es): Kerry, K.R., J.R. Clarke and G.D. Else
Small scale krill surveys: simulations based on observed euphausiid distributions
Paper Title: Small scale krill surveys: simulations based on observed euphausiid distributions ... norvegica is used to model the effects of krill swarm orientation and shape on the success of two proposed ... that the coefficient of variation (CV) of mean krill density varies inversely with mean density, and is ... WG-KRILL-91/19 SMALL SCALE KRILL SURVEYS: SIMULATIONS ... krill swarm orientation and shape on the success of two proposed survey designs. The simulation ... (cv) of mean krill density varies inversely with mean density, and is lowest for the survey design ... SIBEX krill biomass surveys various systems of survey design and analysis were considered in order to ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8) : 245–256 : Autor(es): Agnew, D.J. and S. Nicol
Fishing ground selection in the Antarctic krill fishery: trends in patterns across years, seasons and nations
Paper Title: Fishing ground selection in the Antarctic krill fishery: trends in patterns across ... remained relatively constant in Subareas 48.2 (March–May) and 48.3 (June–August). In 25 years of krill ... of high krill density observed by scientific surveys, and possible reasons for this mismatch are ... Fishing ground selection in the AntArctic krill Fishery: trends in pAtterns Across yeArs, seAsons And ... 25 years of krill operations in Area 48, patterns of SSMU usage have changed. Three different ... not always match the areas of high krill density observed by scientific surveys, and possible reasons ... ). Dans les 25 années d’opérations de pêche au krill dans la zone 48, on constate une variation dans ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 13 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 13) : 117–141 : Autor(es): Kawaguchi, S., S. Nicol, K. Taki and M. Naganobu
The CCAMLR-2000 Krill Synoptic Survey: a description of the rationale and design
Paper Title: The CCAMLR-2000 Krill Synoptic Survey: a description of the rationale and design ... Abstract / Description: The design of the CCAMLR-2000 Krill Synoptic Survey (CCAMLR-2000 Survey) is ... krill which are used in models to estimate sustainable yield in Area 48. The survey design includes two ... will take several years and will result in a significant increase in the knowledge of krill length ... KRILL SYNOPTIC SURVEY: A DESCRIPTION OF THE RATIONALE AND DESIGN P.N. Trathan W , J.L. Watkins ... CCAMLR-2000 Krill Synoptic Survey (CCAMLR-2000 Survey) is described. The primary objective of the survey ... was to improve estimates of the pre- exploitation biomass of krill which are used in models to ... and will result in a significant increase in the knowledge of krill length frequencies, biomass and ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 8 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 8) : 1–23 : Autor(es): Trathan, P.N., J.L. Watkins, A.W.A. Murray, A.S. Brierley, I. Everson, C. Goss, J. Priddle, K. Reid, P. Ward, R. Hewitt, D. Demer, M. Naganobu, S. Kawaguchi, V. Sushin, S.M. Kasatkina, S. Hedley, S. Kim and T. Pauly
Characteristics of seasonal variation in diurnal vertical migration and aggregation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, using Japanese fishery data
of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) in the Scotia Sea, using Japanese fishery data Abstract ... / Description: Seasonal variation in the diurnal vertical migration and aggregation of Antarctic krill ... migration and aggregation of krill are closely related to its feeding and spawning ecology and avoidance of ... AGGREGATION OF ANTARCTIC KRILL (EUPHAUSIA SUPERBA) IN THE SCOTIA SEA, USING JAPANESE FISHERY DATA K. Taki ... vertical migration and aggregation of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) associated with the daylight ... krill are closely related to its feeding and spawning ecology and avoidance of visual predators ... . Résumé La variation saisonnière de la migration verticale diurne et de la concentration du krill ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 12 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 12) : 163–172 : Autor(es): Taki, K., T. Hayashi and M. Naganobu
Target strengths of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba)
Paper Title: Target strengths of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Abstract / Description: The ... Mean Volume Backscattering Strength of encaged aggregations of swimming krill have been measured at 38 ... SC-CAMLR-VII/BG/30 TARGET STRENGTHS OF ANTARCTIC KRILL ... Backscattering Strength of encaged aggregations of swimming krill have been measured at 38 and 120 kHz in a ... 10dB lower than previously assumed. Resume Des concentrations encloses de krill mobile ont ete ... del Volumen Medio de las agregaciones enjauladas de krill que nada a 38 y 120 kHz en una bahfa ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I) : 265–279 : Autor(es): Everson, I., D.G. Bone, J.L. Watkins and K.G. Foote
Defining smaller-scale management units to further develop the ecosystem approach in managing large-scale pelagic krill fisheries in Antarctica
managing large-scale pelagic krill fisheries in Antarctica Abstract / Description: This paper discusses ... predators’ needs when managing the fishery for Antarctic krill. It provides a theoretical foundation for ... fisheries on prey species, notably krill, in other harvesting units. The manner in which predator units can ... local populations of krill and the potential foraging densities of predators from within a harvesting ... APPROACH IN MANAGING LARGE-SCALE PELAGIC KRILL FISHERIES IN ANTARCTICA A.J. Constable and S. Nicol ... management units to take account of predators’ needs when managing the fi shery for Antarctic krill. It ... krill, in other harvesting units. The manner in which predator units can be used to help the CCAMLR ... general, the early acquisition of information on the distribution of local populations of krill and the ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 117–131 : Autor(es): Constable, A.J. and S. Nicol
The sensitivity of multiple output statistics to input parameters in a krill–predator–fishery ecosystem dynamics model
Paper Title: The sensitivity of multiple output statistics to input parameters in a krill ... within CCAMLR to evaluate options for managing the Antarctic krill fishery in the Scotia Sea and southern ... recruitment through pre-recruit mortality. A parameter mediating the effect of a forcing function on krill ... provide advice to CCAMLR on the spatial allocation of the Antarctic krill catch limit for the Scotia Sea ... to represent the krill stock, its predators and fishery within the small-scale management units ... , 2005, 2006, 2007a). These uncertainties concern the movement of krill between areas and the ... sensitivity of predator reproduction to variations in krill abundance. The alternative scenarios were an ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 20 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 20) : 97–118 : Autor(es): Hill, S.L. and J. Matthews
Status of krill target strength
Paper Title: Status of krill target strength Abstract / Description: Empirical estimates for the ... target strength of krill are extracted from publications. These are confined to measurements on ... recommendations are made for future, improved determinations of krill target strength. Based on the comparisons ... . Foote1, D. Chu2 and T.K. Stanton2 Abstract Empirical estimates for the target strength of krill are ... for future, improved determinations of krill target strength. Based on the comparisons, general ... acoustique du krill sont extraites des publications. Elles sont limitees aux mesures des concentrations ... la reponse acoustique du krill a l'avenir. Basees sur les comparaisons, les courbes generales de ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9) : 101–126 : Autor(es): Foote, K.G., D. Chu and T.K. Stanton