Resultados de la búsqueda
AMP del mar de Weddell (comentarios y preguntas respecto de los documentos CCAMLR-XXXIV/BG/37, WG-EMM-16/01, WG-EMM-16/02 y WG-EMM-16/03)
Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: The Weddell Sea MPA (comments and questions regarding documents CCAMLR-XXXIV/BG/37, WG-EMM-16/01, WG-EMM-16/02, WG-EMM-16/03) Microsoft Word File: r-sc-xxxv-10.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/10 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Necesidad de asignar una TAC de investigación científica en bloques (UIPE) cerrados en el mar de Ross
Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: The need to allocate a scientific research TAC in closed blocks (SSRUs) in the Ross Sea Microsoft Word File: r-sc-xxxv-09.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/09 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Propuesta de la Federación de Rusia para modificar el Programa de Becas Científicas de la CCRVMA
Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: Proposal by the Russian Federation to amend the CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship Scheme Microsoft Word File: r-sc-xxxv-08.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents:
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/08 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) [Pro forma for submitting preliminary assessments of the potential for proposed bottom fishing activities to have significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs)]
Abstract: Форма для представления предварительных оценок возможности того, что предложенный донный промысел будет иметь существенное негативное воздействие на уязвимые морские экосистемы (УМЭ) для ярусных судов Украины Simeiz, Koreiz, Marigolds. Abstract Pro forma for submitting preliminary
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/10 : Autor(es): Делегация Украины [Delegation of Ukraine]
Comentarios sobre un Área Marina Protegida en la plataforma sur de las islas Orcadas del Sur (AMP-SOISS)
Abstract: The Marine Protected Area on the southern shelf of the South Orkney Islands (SOISS MPA) established by CCAMLR in Subarea 48.2 on the initiative of the United Kingdom has existed for more than seven years (Conservation Measure СМ 91-03, 2009). However, there are still issues related to
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/20 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
AMP del mar de Ross (comentarios y preguntas sobre el documento CCAMLR XXXIV/29 Rev. 1)
Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: The Ross Sea MPA (comments and questions regarding document CCAMLR XXXIV/29 Rev. 1) Microsoft Word File: r-cc-xxxv-28.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents:
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/28 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Comentarios sobre el proyecto final de la medida de conservación para el establecimiento de un AMP en el Sistema Representativo de Áreas Marinas Protegidas de Antártida Oriental (SRAMPAO, versión 2016)
Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: Comments on the final draft of the Conservation Measure on the establishment of an MPA in the East Antarctic System (EARSMPA, 2016 version) Microsoft Word File: r-cc-xxxv-21.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/21 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
Contribución de la URSS y de Rusia al estudio de los recursos biológicos antárticos (en el bicentenario del descubrimiento de la Antártida por Rusia (1820–2020))
Abstract: In 1820 during the Russian expedition under the command of M.P. Lazarev and F.F. Bellingshausen the continent of Antarctica was discovered. Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: The contribution of the Soviet Union and Russia to the study of Antarctic biological
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/33 : Autor(es): Делегация Российской Федерации
The Hongjin 707: Case study and recommended next steps for CCAMLR
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the case of the Korean fishing vessel Hongjin 707 and recommendations for actions from CCAMLR. Since the Hongjin 707 has engaged in IUU fishing, it is appropriate for CCAMLR to include the vessel on the Contracting Party (CP)-IUU list and to request
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/08 : Autor(es): Submitted by ASOC
Procedimiento preliminar para la contratación del Secretario Ejecutivo de la CCRVMA
Abstract: This paper proposes a procedure to support the advertisement of the post for the next Executive Secretary and the subsequent selection process for review and finalisation by Members at CCAMLR-XXXV. Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat Title: Draft Procedures for the Appointment of the
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/06 Rev. 1 : Autor(es): CCAMLR Secretariat