Resultados de la búsqueda
Survey of Antarctic fur seals in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the 1986/87 austral summer
Paper Title: Survey of Antarctic fur seals in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the 1986/87 austral summer Abstract / Description: A survey of Antarctic fur seals in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica, during the 1986/87 austral summer indicated that this species is continuing
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4) : 427-440 : Autor(es): Bengtson, J.L., L.M. Ferm, T.J. Härkönen, E.G. Schaner and B.S. Stewart
On the instantaneous natural mortality rate of Champsocephalus gunnari, South Georgia (Subarea 48.3)
Paper Title: On the instantaneous natural mortality rate of Champsocephalus gunnari, South Georgia (Subarea 48.3) Abstract / Description: The instantaneous rate of natural mortality (M) of Champsocephalus gunnari in the South Georgia area was assessed using six different methods. Data on size
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 313–326 : Autor(es): Frolkina, G.A. and R.S. Dorovskikh
Standardization of fishing effort for Champsocephalus gunnari in the South Georgia area (Subarea 48.3)
Paper Title: Standardization of fishing effort for Champsocephalus gunnari in the South Georgia area (Subarea 48.3) Abstract / Description: Traditional calculation of catch-per-unit-effort series is inflexible in its use of data types and has no estimate of accuracy. A standardized CPUE index for
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 327–336 : Autor(es): Gasiukov, P.S.
A functional division of Electrona carlsbergi (Tåning, 1932) area of habitat in relation to the latitudinal zonation of the Southern Ocean
Paper Title: A functional division of Electrona carlsbergi (Tåning, 1932) area of habitat in relation to the latitudinal zonation of the Southern Ocean Abstract / Description: During the cruise of the RV Vozrozhdenie (VNIRO, USSR) in March/April 1990 an integrated study survey was conducted in
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 369–395 : Autor(es): Zemsky, A.V. and S.A. Zozulya
On reproduction of Electrona carlsbergi (Tåning)
Paper Title: On reproduction of Electrona carlsbergi (Tåning) Abstract / Description: This paper presents results from histological examinations of gonads of Electrona carlsbergi from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. From materials available it has been ascertained that E. carlsbergi
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 397–409 : Autor(es): Mazhirina, G.P.
Feeding and food intake of Electrona carlsbergi (Tåning, 1932) Myctophidae
Paper Title: Feeding and food intake of Electrona carlsbergi (Tåning, 1932) Myctophidae Abstract / Description: In summer and autumn Electrona carlsbergi feeds mainly on copepods. Daily food intake estimated by various methods was from 3.7 to 5.6% of fish body weight. The amount of food consumed
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 411–416 : Autor(es): Gerasimova, O.V.
Biomass of myctophids in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean as estimated by acoustic surveys
Paper Title: Biomass of myctophids in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean as estimated by acoustic surveys Abstract / Description: Acoustic surveys carried out in the summer and autumn of 1987-1989 estimated the biomass of myctophids in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean between 48°
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 417–431 : Autor(es): Filin, A.A., K.V. Gorchinsky and V.M. Kiseleva
Food consumption by predators in a CCAMLR integrated study region
Paper Title: Food consumption by predators in a CCAMLR integrated study region Abstract / Description: A detailed description of the structure and mode of operation of a model for estimating food consumption of seabird predators is provided. This model is a development of earlier ones used in the
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 489–519 : Autor(es): Croxall, J.P., C. Ricketts and A.G. Wood
Observation of seabirds in the Southern Ocean in 1988/89
Paper Title: Observation of seabirds in the Southern Ocean in 1988/89 Abstract / Description: This paper examines the numerical and species distribution of birds in the sub-Antarctic area of the Southern Ocean to the south of 60°S. Thirty minute observations were made daily during daylight hours
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 521–542 : Autor(es): Vagin, A.V. and V.V. Popov
1989/90 stock status and TAC assessment for Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia)
Paper Title: 1989/90 stock status and TAC assessment for Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 (South Georgia) Abstract / Description: The 1989/90 stock status and TAC assessment for Champsocephalus gunnari in South Georgia Subarea (48.3) has been made using the biostatistic material for 1982
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6) : 15–27 : Autor(es): Frolkina, Zh.A. and P. Gasyukov