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Informe de pesquería: Champsocephalus gunnari Georgia del Sur (Subárea 48.3)
Subarea 48.3 (source: STATLANT data for past seasons, and catch and effort reports for current season ... in Subarea 48.3 (source: observer, fine-scale and STATLANT data). 2. Stocks and areas 4. Within ... the observed data particularly well. For subsequent CMIX runs bounds on the cohorts were estimated ... squamifrons, Pseudochaenichthys georgianus and Chaenocephalus aceratus) reported in fine-scale data, and ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Calibration of an acoustic echo-integration system in a deep tank, with system gain comparisons over standard sphere material, water temperature and time
Fisheries Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, Ca. 92038, USA 127 128 justesse et de ... impulso y a la temperatura del agua de la zona. 1. INTRODUCTION Successful management of fisheries ... instruments are attractive to researchers due to cost, survey speed and apparent ease of data analysis ... interpretation of the data with respect to the many theoretical assumptions. The main contributions of bias in ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9) : 127–144 : Autor(es): Demer, D.A. and R.P. Hewitt
Movement, growth and available abundance to the fishery of Dissostichus eleginoides Smitt, 1898 at Heard Island, derived from tagging experiments
these data. The bulk of the data show that fish disperse only a very short distance, up to 15 n miles in ... ). Movement, growth and trends in fi sh abundance are examined using these data. The bulk of the data show ... document examine les hypothèses de séparation des stocks par le biais du marquage de poissons de la ... length data on the one hand, and on the results of assessments of abundance based on random stratifi ed ... Marion regions of the tagging program, and to look out for tagged fi sh. From data on numbers of fi sh ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 33–48 : Autor(es): Williams, R., G.N. Tuck, A.J. Constable and T. Lamb
Volume 15: CCAMLR. 2003. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 15 (1993–2002). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
Resources (CCAMLR) has as one of its functions the collection of data from fisheries operating in the ... published annually, provides a complete summary of fisheries data reported to the CCAMLR Data Centre ... from all fisheries operating within the Convention Area. 1.11 Some of the data described in this ... Convention Area has been required since 1987/88. Reporting of fine-scale data for krill, however, has been ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Seabird interactions with longlining operations for Dissostichus eleginoides at the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia
vulnerability to longlining operations in the South Sandwich Islands may, therefore, be low. Quantitative data ... , therefore, be low. Quantitative data and observations of longline vessels fishing around South Georgia ... in general and with longline fisheries in particular (Croxall and Prince, 1990; Croxall et al ... . The tasks of this scientific observer included participation in the collection of scientific data ... prematurely. This paper reports on the observations made and includes some additional data reported from ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 1 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 1) : 143–153 : Autor(es): Ashford, J.R., J.P. Croxall, P.S. Rubilar and C.A. Moreno
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-01 (2007)
Subareas 48.1, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4 Species krill Area 48.1, 48.2, 48.3, 48.4 Season all Gear all ... The Commission, Noting that it has agreed (CCAMLR-XIX, paragraph 10.11) that the krill catches in ... on 1 December and finishes on 30 November of the following year. Data 5. For the purpose of ... implementing this conservation measure, the data requirements set out in Conservation Measure 23-06 shall ...
Conservation Measure : 51-01 (2007)
documents WG-CEMP-90/04 An approach to integrated analyses of predator/prey/environmental data S.N. Sexton ... Program 1982 to 1990 Secretariat WG-CEMP-90/08 Raw data and development of an annual index for parameter ... production, krill distribution and predator foraging in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the 1989-90 ... the measurement of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba Dana from predator food samples H.J. Hill (United ...
The survivorship of rays discarded from the South Georgia longline fishery
any one time. At the time of placement of each skate into the experimental tank, the following data ... . No other data were collected at this time, but further data were collected on completion of each ... of this paper, only data for Raja sp. anon. has been analysed. Of a total of 95 Raja sp. anon ... line, air temperature, depth and wind speed. Dataset 1 Initial examination of the data established ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 11 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 11) : 155–164 : Autor(es): Endicott, M. and D.J. Agnew
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-01 (2010)
Species krill Area 48.1, 48.2, 48.3, 48.4 Season all Gear all The Commission, Noting that it ... has agreed (CCAMLR-XIX, paragraph 10.11) that the krill catches in Statistical Subareas 48.1, 48.2 ... course of fishing. 7. The use of marine mammal exclusion devices on trawls is mandatory. Data 8. For ... the purpose of implementing this conservation measure, the data requirements set out in Conservation ...
Conservation Measure : 51-01 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 51-01 (2008)
, 48.2, 48.3 and 48.4 Species krill Area 48.1, 48.2, 48.3, 48.4 Season all Gear all The ... Commission, Noting that it has agreed (CCAMLR-XIX, paragraph 10.11) that the krill catches in Statistical ... . Data 8. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure, the data requirements set out in ...
Conservation Measure : 51-01 (2008)