Resultados de la búsqueda
. Ashford and M.G. White (United Kingdom) WG-FSA-93/8 Rev. 1 By-catch of juvenile Antarctic fish from krill ... (Euphausia superba Dana) fisheries in the South Georgia area, in 1992 E.A. Pakhomov and S.A. Pankratov ...
Information Note 1
Author(s): E. Marschoff (Argentina) Title: Information Note 1 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : WG-Krill-94/Information-Note-1 : Autor(es): E. Marschoff (Argentina)
Information Note 2
Author(s): M. Naganobu (Japan) Title: Information Note 2 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : WG-Krill-94/Information-Note-2 : Autor(es): M. Naganobu (Japan)
Informe de pesquería: Champsocephalus gunnari en Georgia del Sur (Subárea 48.3)
data available from 1977 to 2003; 2004 from catch and effort reports). Fishing season Catch ... and STATLANT data for 1986 to 2005 are presented in Figure 1. 1 ANI 48.3 Weighted frequency ... Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 derived from observer, fine-scale and STATLANT data reported by 1 ... alternative method of separating ages within length-density data from bottom trawl surveys of icefish in ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Proposal to SCAR for the study of the marine living resources of the Southern Ocean – Draft annotated outline
rticula rly the deg1~ee to vrhi.'::h krill in di ffe rer~0 a~ce e.s f o rm independent s to cl\.s or sub ... resources than of krill ral research programme vill be needed, vith special emphar;;is, squid, on ... -line data; in the Anta,rcti c ~tJJels e'!There; and theoretical studies including moclellir,g, 3.4 ... ' it., Arrangements -vTill be needed to 1'~~~;tre that/data ""' detail and timeliness desired, from ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
... . 4. The present emphasis in CCAMLR on studies of the dynamics of fish, krill and dependent and ... prioritising the long-term data requirements of CCAMLR is an area that needs further attention by the ... document, Members were asked to provide more recent information to the Science Officer no later than application/pdf attached to:WG-LTP-88
Meeting Report : WG-LTP-88
... impending visit by NAFO’s Commission Fisheries Coordinator as part of NAFO’s Professional Development ... with the Rules for Access and Use of CCAMLR Data. The Executive Secretary undertook to report on ... new and exploratory fisheries applications, should be transferred to the General Fund. PROFESSIONAL ... General Fund as a result of cost substitution of expenditure relating to new and exploratory fisheries application/pdf attached to:SCAF-06
Meeting Report : SCAF-06
... and recommendations drawn from the group’s discussions on the agenda items follow. CDS Data ... CDS data, and recommended that the current format be adopted as the standard for reporting. The ... from the Dissostichus catch document (DCD), although this is required by Conservation Measure 170/XX ... was expressed about the potential for commercially confidential data to be revealed, noting that such application/pdf attached to:CDS Informal Group
Meeting Report : CDS Informal Group
Volume 17: CCAMLR. 2005. Statistical Bulletin, Vol. 17 (1995–2004). CCAMLR, Hobart, Australia.
. This volume of the Statistical Bulletin summarises: • Catch and effort data from fisheries in the ... the following geographic coverage: • Catch and effort data cover all fisheries operating inside ... been required since 1987/88. Reporting of fine-scale data for krill, however, has been required from ... : 61 3 6234 9965 Email: Website: Copies of this document are ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Seabird interactions with longlining operations for Dissostichus eleginoides around South Georgia, April to May 1994
concern has been expressed about the effect these longline fisheries, in such close proximity to major ... longline fishing and encouraged Members to employ scientific observers to acquire accurate data on the ... longline vessels in the CCAMLR Convention Area for at least one fishing season to collect the data ... . Observations were made during both setting and hauling. Information was recorded on data sheets as used by ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 2 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 2) : 111–121 : Autor(es): Ashford, J.R., J.P. Croxall, P.S. Rubilar and C.A. Moreno