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Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 104/XV (1996)
shall report the following data to CCAMLR by 31 August 1997 for crabs caught prior to 31 July 1997 ... ; and (iii) other relevant data, as possible, according to the requirements set out in Annex 104/A ... Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 61/XII shall apply. 8. Data on catches taken between 31 ... July 1997 and 31 August 1997 shall be reported to CCAMLR by 30 September 1997 so that the data will ...
Conservation Measure : 104/XV (1996)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 151/XVII (1998)
vessels fishing for crab shall report the following data to CCAMLR by 31 August 1999 for crabs caught ... by-catch caught in traps; and (iii) other relevant data, as possible, according to the requirements ... Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 61/XII shall apply. 9. Data on ... the data will be available to the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment. 10. Crab fishing gear shall ...
Conservation Measure : 151/XVII (1998)
Informe de pesquería: Pesca exploratoria de Dissostichus spp. en la división 58.4.2
): Catch history for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2 (source: STATLANT data to 2004/05, and catch and ... effort data in 2005/06). Season Regulated fishery Dissostichus spp. Effort (number of vessels ... Table 1(a) pro-rated using fine-scale data to 2005/06). Season SSRU A B C D E 2002/03 17 17 83 ... Dissostichus mawsoni in Division 58.4.2 derived from observer, fine- scale and STATLANT data reported by 5 ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 215/XIX (2000)
participate in the crab fishery. 7. All vessels fishing for crab shall report the following data to CCAMLR by ... line hauled just prior to noon) and by-catch caught in traps; and (iii) other relevant data, as ... shall apply. 9. Data on catches taken between 31 July and 31 August 2001 shall be reported to CCAMLR by ... 30 September 2001 so that the data will be available to the Working Group on Fish Stock Assessment ...
Conservation Measure : 215/XIX (2000)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 42-02 (2010)
. Data: catch/effort 10. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure in the 2010/11 ... /B. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by- haul basis. 11. For the purpose of Annex 42 ... other than Champsocephalus gunnari. Data: biological 12. Fine-scale biological data, as required ... under Annex 42-02/B, shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance with ...
Conservation Measure : 42-02 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 42-02 (2011)
fishing activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 10. For the purpose of implementing ... Effort Reporting System set out in Annex 42-02/B. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by ... and by-catch species are defined as any species other than Champsocephalus gunnari. Data ... : biological 12. Fine-scale biological data, as required under Annex 42-02/B, shall be collected and ...
Conservation Measure : 42-02 (2011)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 42-02 (2012)
. Data: catch/effort 10. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure in the 2012/13 ... /B. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by- haul basis. 11. For the purpose of Annex ... species other than Champsocephalus gunnari. Data: biological 12. Fine-scale biological data, as ... required under Annex 42-02/B, shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance ...
Conservation Measure : 42-02 (2012)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 42-02 (2013)
Observation, on board throughout all fishing activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort ... ) the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in Annex 42-02/B. Fine-scale data ... Champsocephalus gunnari. Data: biological 12. Fine-scale biological data, as required under Annex 42-02/B ... , shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme ...
Conservation Measure : 42-02 (2013)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 42-02 (2002)
. Data: catch/effort 10. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure in the 2002/03 ... 42-02/B. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul- by-haul basis. 11. For the purpose of ... species other than Champsocephalus gunnari. Data: biological 12. Fine-scale biological data, as ... required under Annex 42-02/B, shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance ...
Conservation Measure : 42-02 (2002)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 42-02 (2003)
board throughout all fishing activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 10. For the ... Fine-scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in Annex 42-02/B. Fine-scale data shall be ... . Data: biological 12. Fine-scale biological data, as required under Annex 42-02/B, shall be ... collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance with the Scheme of International ...
Conservation Measure : 42-02 (2003)