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Book review – Biogeographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean
increasing data availability, is enhancing our understanding of how species and ecosystems are distributed ... biodiversity data collected todate to increase our understanding on the distribution of a large num ber of ... species and assemblages in this region. The occurrence data that were compiled for the atlas came from ... Antarctic Marine Life (CAML 2005– 2010) and other recent Antarctic surveys. These data were used in ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 22 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 22) : 45-46 : Autor(es): Reid, K.
Day 1 - Session 5 - Case Studies - Tarawiq I - Peter Flewwelling
large patrol vessel supplementing the scarce MCS assets in East Africa in a joint fisheries patrol of ... and at 0630 hrs sent the boarding party headed by Capt. Bupamba senior fisheries officer of Tanzania ... . 4 Regional Support • Tanzania, as it was their first international fisheries case, requested ... had a senior fisheries captain from Norway, Marine Architect from Australia and two NOAA Agents to ...
Document : Site Section: Compliance
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 113/XV (1996)
of their intention to conduct new fisheries in Statistical Division 58.4.3 for Dissostichus ... Statistical Division 58.4.3 shall be limited to the new fisheries by Australia and South Africa. 2 ... these new fisheries, the fishing season for longlining is defined as the period from 1 March 1997 ... August 1997. 4. The directed fisheries for the above species shall be carried out in accordance with ...
Conservation Measure : 113/XV (1996)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 180/XVIII (1999)
season, commencing on 1 May 2000. Data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. For the purpose of ... as any species other than Dissostichus eleginoides. 5. Fine-scale biological data, as required under ... Conservation Measure 121/XVI shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance with ... and Effort Data Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 122/XVI shall apply. Data shall be ...
Conservation Measure : 180/XVIII (1999)
Fishery Report: Dissostichus eleginoides South Sandwich Islands (Subarea 48.4)
. eleginoides (SC-CAMLR-XII, Annex 5, paragraph 6.1). 2. Haul-by-haul data from the Chilean and Bulgarian ... vessels were submitted to CCAMLR, and WG-FSA used these data to estimate an annual yield of 28 tonnes of ... (source: STATLANT data for past seasons, and catch and effort reports for current season, WG-FSA-08/10 ... Dissostichus eleginoides in Subarea 48.4 (source: observer, fine-scale and STATLANT data, and the length ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-05 (2003)
measure would be for one year and that data arising from these activities would be reviewed by the ... throughout the division, to ensure that sufficient data are collected from toothfish populations in various ... Scientific Committee and described in Conservation Measure 24-02 and such data shall be reported to the ... Annex C respectively. Data: catch/effort 14. For the purpose of implementing this conservation ...
Conservation Measure : 41-05 (2003)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 154/XVII (1998)
season; and (ii) the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Data Reporting System set out in Conservation ... Measure 122/XVI shall apply for Champsocephalus gunnari. Data shall be reported on a haul-by-haul basis ... . 9. Fine-scale biological data, as required under Conservation Measure 121/XVI shall be collected and ... recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance with the Scheme of International Scientific ...
Conservation Measure : 154/XVII (1998)
SIOFA Executive Secretary recruitment information
Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement ... RECRUITMENT OF THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY THE ORGANIZATION The Southern Indian Ocean Fisheries Agreement (SIOFA ... through cooperation among the Contracting Parties, and to promote the sustainable development of fisheries ... decisions were taken for the functioning of this new regional fisheries management organisation (RFMO ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 60/XI (1992)
, 1993) has met, revised the data reporting forms and provided modified forms to Members who have ... vessel that the Member has authorised to participate in the crab fishery. 5. The following data shall ... crabs and by-catch caught in traps; and (iii) other relevant data, as possible, according to the ... set out in Conservation Measure 61/XI shall apply. 7. Data identified by the Workshop that are ...
Conservation Measure : 60/XI (1992)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-05 (2011)
this measure would be for one year and that data arising from these activities would be reviewed by ... . Data: catch/effort 11. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure in the 2011/12 ... Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis; (iv) fishing ... vessels undertaking research in accordance with Conservation Measure 24-01 shall report data in ...
Conservation Measure : 41-05 (2011)