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Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-06 (2017)
observer, on board throughout all fishing activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 9 ... Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. 10. For the purpose of ... -catch species’ are defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 11. Fine ... -scale biological data, as required under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be collected and recorded ...
Conservation Measure : 41-06 (2017)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-06 (2018)
activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 9. For the purpose of implementing this ... and Effort Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted ... species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 11. Fine-scale biological data, as required ... under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in ...
Conservation Measure : 41-06 (2018)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-06 (2019)
activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 9. For the purpose of implementing this ... and Effort Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted ... species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 11. Fine-scale biological data, as required ... under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in ...
Conservation Measure : 41-06 (2019)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-10 (2010)
green weight caught in each SSRU. Data: catch/effort 13. For the purpose of implementing this ... Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by ... Dissostichus spp. and by-catch species are defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data ... : biological 15. Fine-scale biological data, as required under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be ...
Conservation Measure : 41-10 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-10 (2011)
in each SSRU. Data: catch/effort 13. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure ... System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul ... Dissostichus spp. and by-catch species are defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data ... : biological 15. Fine-scale biological data, as required under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be ...
Conservation Measure : 41-10 (2011)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-10 (2013)
tagged at a rate of at least one fish per tonne green weight caught in each SSRU. Data: catch ... Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. 14. For the ... species’ are defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 15. Fine-scale ... biological data, as required under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be collected and recorded. Such data ...
Conservation Measure : 41-10 (2013)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-04 (2012)
. Data: catch/effort 9. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure in the 2012/13 ... Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. 10. For ... ‘by-catch species’ are defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 11 ... . Fine-scale biological data, as required under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be collected and ...
Conservation Measure : 41-04 (2012)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-10 (2012)
least one fish per tonne green weight caught in each SSRU. Data: catch/effort 13. For the ... . Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. 14. For the purpose of Conservation ... any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 15. Fine-scale biological data, as ... required under Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported ...
Conservation Measure : 41-10 (2012)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-09 (2004)
Measure 41-01, Annex B and Annex C respectively. Data: catch/effort 13. For the purpose of ... -scale Catch and Effort Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall ... than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 15. Fine-scale biological data, as required under ... Conservation Measure 23-05, shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance with ...
Conservation Measure : 41-09 (2004)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 42-01 (2007)
fishing period. Data: catch/effort 10. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure in ... Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by ... . Data: biological 12. Fine-scale biological data, as required under Conservation Measure 23-05 ... , shall be collected and recorded. Such data shall be reported in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of ...
Conservation Measure : 42-01 (2007)