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Full Name: Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee Location: Hobart, Australia Date(s): Monday, 2 September 1985 to Monday, 9 September 1985 Meeting documents Doc Number Title SC-CAMLR-IV/01 Provisional Agenda for the Fourth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of
Full Name: Fifth Meeting of the Scientific Committee Location: Hobart, Australia Date(s): Monday, 8 September 1986 to Monday, 15 September 1986 Meeting documents Doc Number Title SC-CAMLR-V/01 Provisional Agenda for the Fifth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic
Full Name: Twenty-ninth Meeting of the Scientific Committee Location: Hobart, Australia Date(s): Monday, 25 October 2010 to Friday, 29 October 2010 Meeting documents Doc Number Title SC-CAMLR-XXIX/01 Provisional Agenda for the Twenty-ninth Meeting of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation
-XXXIV/BG/03 Formulario tipo para las evaluaciones preliminares del riesgo de que las actividades de ... Formulaire de soumission des évaluations préliminaires du risque d'impact négatif significatif des ... activités de pêche de fond proposées sur les écosystèmes marins vulnérables Délégation française SC-CAMLR ... pesca de fondo propuestas ocasionen graves daños a los ecosistemas marinos vulnerables Delegación de ...
Southwest Fisheries Science Center, La Jolla, California, USA SC-CAMLR-XXXII/BG/12 Application of the ...
Full Name: Thirty-third Meeting of the Scientific Committee Location: Hobart, Australia Date(s): Monday, 20 October 2014 to Friday, 24 October 2014 Chair / Convener: Dr Christopher Jones (United States of America) Support: Dr Keith Reid Submissions Due: Saturday, 20 September 2014 Friday, 5
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 156/XVII (1998)
, lo que ocurra primero. 4. Todo barco que participe en la pesquería de Dissostichus eleginoides ... designado de acuerdo al Sistema de Observación Científica Internacional de la CCRVMA, durante todas ...
Conservation Measure : 156/XVII (1998)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 117/XV (1996)
de notificaei6n de datos de captura y esfuerzo a eseala f’ma de la CCRVMA (formulario C1 para la pesquerfa ...
Conservation Measure : 117/XV (1996)
Full Name: Thirty-seventh Meeting of the Scientific Committee Location: Hobart, Australia Date(s): Monday, 22 October 2018 to Friday, 26 October 2018 Chair / Convener: Dr Mark Belchier (United Kingdom) Support: Dr Keith Reid Submissions Due: Saturday, 22 September 2018 Friday, 7 September
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 230/XX (2001)
correspondiente, lo que ocurra primero. Captura secundaria 5. La captura secundaria de esta pesquería ... a bordo designado de acuerdo con el Sistema de Observación Científica Internacional de la CCRVMA ...
Conservation Measure : 230/XX (2001)