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Combined Commission, Scientific Committee, SCIC and SCAF responses to Performance Review recommendations
Responses by report section Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Role of CCAMLR within the Antarctic Treaty System 2.1 Relationship with the Antarctic Treaty System 2.2 Environmental Protection 2.3 Conservation 2.4 Protected Areas 2.5 Marine pollution Chapter 3 Conservation and Management 3.1 Status of
Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Relationship with the Antarctic Treaty System
2.1.1 Extent to which CCAMLR effectively implements its obligations under Articles III and V of the Convention Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Given the increasing number of CPs, including States that have no traditional linkages to the Antarctic Treaty (or the
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Status of living resources
3.1.1 Status of Antarctic marine living resources under the purview of CCAMLR Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status An explicit recovery plan should be established for stocks that are depleted relative to the requirements of Article II. This should include recovery
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Ecosystem approach
3.2.1 Extent to which CCAMLR decisions take account of and incorporate an ecosystem approach to management Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Explicit mechanisms, agreements and reporting should be developed to provide coherence and compatibility of research,
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Data collection and sharing
3.3.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has agreed formats, specifications and timeframes for data submissions Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The centrally supported capability for information acquisition, verification, archiving and delivery should be maintained and
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Quality and provision of scientific advice
3.4.1 Extent to which CCAMLR receives and acts on the basis of the best scientific advice relevant to the Antarctic marine living resources under its purview, as well as to the effects of harvesting, research, conservation and associated activities, on the marine ecosystem Recommendation
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Adoption of conservation and management measures
3.5.2 Extent to which CCAMLR has applied a precautionary approach as set forth in the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Article 7.5, including the application of precautionary reference points Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The requirements for
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Environmental Protection
2.2.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has effectively observed measures, resolutions and decisions of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings related to the protection of Antarctic marine living resources Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status Although CCAMLR has actively
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2.3.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has taken into account the effects of harvesting, research, conservation and associated activities on the marine ecosystem, the known or potential effects of environmental changes in its management of Antarctic marine living resources, and the risks and effects of the
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Protected Areas
2.4.3 Extent to which CCAMLR has made progress to respond to the WSSD target to establish a representative network of marine protected areas by 2012 Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The RP recommended that CCAMLR takes steps towards the designation of MPAs,
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