Resultados de la búsqueda
Marine pollution
2.5.1 Effectiveness of CCAMLR to implement measures to provide for protection of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic environment from the impacts of vessels engaged in harvesting, research, conservation and associated activities, including measures relating to marine pollution and vessel safety
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Capacity management
3.6.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has identified fishing capacity levels commensurate with the conservation, including rational use, of Antarctic marine living resources Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status CCAMLR should develop and apply methods to identify fishing capacity
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Flag State duties
4.1.1 Extent to which CCAMLR Members are fulfilling their duties as Flag States under the treaty establishing CCAMLR, pursuant to measures adopted by CCAMLR, and under other international instruments, including, inter alia, the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention and the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement,
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Port State measures
4.2.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has adopted measures relating to the exercise of the rights and duties of its Members and Contracting Parties as Port States, as reflected in the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Article 8.3 4.2.2 Extent to which these measures are effectively implemented
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Monitoring, control and surveillance
4.3.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has adopted integrated MCS measures (e.g. required use of VMS, observers, catch documentation and trade tracking schemes, restrictions on transhipment, boarding and inspection schemes) 4.3.2 Extent to which these measures are effectively implemented Recommendation
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Follow-up on infringements
4.4.1 Extent to which CCAMLR, its Members and Contracting Parties follow-up on infringements to management measures Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The various reporting mechanisms within CMs, in relation to infringements, should be reviewed to ensure that the
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Cooperative mechanisms to detect and deter non-compliance
4.5.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has established adequate cooperative mechanisms to both monitor compliance and detect and deter non-compliance (e.g. compliance committees, vessel lists, sharing of information about non-compliance) 4.5.2 Extent to which these mechanisms are being effectively utilised
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Market-related measures
4.6.1 Extent to which CCAMLR has adopted measures relating to the exercise of the rights and duties of its Members and Contracting Parties as Market States for Antarctic marine living resources Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status E-CDS should become mandatory with
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Dispute settlement
5.2 Dispute settlement Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status 5.2.1 The CCAMLR dispute settlement mechanisms appear to be unsatisfactory. There is an urgent need to take action to address this situation. In this regard, the binding procedures for dispute settlement set out in
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6.1.1 Extent to which CCAMLR is operating in a transparent manner, taking into account the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries Article 7.1.9 Recommendation Responsible body Activities to date Status The RP acknowledged CCAMLR’s efforts to engage with a wide range of Observers and
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