Resultados de la búsqueda
Comparison of geostrophic velocities from Subarea 48.1
Author(s): W.K. de la Mare (Australia) Title: Comparison of geostrophic velocities from Subarea ...
Meeting Document : WS-Flux-94/07 : Autor(es): W.K. de la Mare (Australia)
Escapement of elephant seal prey in the Heard Island fishery for Dissostichus eleginoides
Elephant seals at Heard Island and uses the generalised yield model (Constable & de la Mare, 1996) to ... and icefish, Champsocephalus gunnari, at Heard Island. Author(s): Slip, D., Constable, A.J., de la ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/42 : Autor(es): Slip, D., Constable, A.J., de la Mare, W.K., Williams, R.
Addendum to document WG-FSA-94/10
Author(s): R. Williams and W.K. de la Mare (Australia) Title: Addendum to document WG-FSA-94/10 ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-94/30 : Autor(es): R. Williams and W.K. de la Mare (Australia)
Información complementaria sobre actuaciones inspectoras en puertos españoles contra buques ilegales listados por CCRVMA
Author(s): Delegación de España Title: Información complementaria sobre actuaciones inspectoras ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/34 : Autor(es): Delegación de España
Introduction to the Generalised Yield (GY) model: a user guide
Author(s): A.J. Constable and W.K. de la Mare (Australia) Title: Introduction to the Generalised ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-98/21 : Autor(es): A.J. Constable and W.K. de la Mare (Australia)
Calculating precautionary catch limits based on mass of krill consumed by predators
Author(s): Everson, I., de la Mare, W.K. Title: Calculating precautionary catch limits based on ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/56 : Autor(es): Everson, I., de la Mare, W.K.
Fish distribution and biomass in the Heard Island zone (Division 58.5.2)
Author(s): R. Williams and W.K. de la Mare (Australia) Title: Fish distribution and biomass in ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-94/10 : Autor(es): R. Williams and W.K. de la Mare (Australia)
Assessments of by-catch in trawl fisheries at Heard and MacDonald Islands
Author(s): Williams, R., de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A. Title: Assessments of by-catch in trawl ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-97/30 Addendum : Autor(es): Williams, R., de la Mare, W.K., Constable, A.
Hydroacoustic survey of Antarctic krill populations in CCAMLR Division 58.4.1 during 1995/96 summer season
Author(s): W. de la Mare (Australia) Title: Hydroacoustic survey of Antarctic krill populations ...
Meeting Document : WG-Krill-94/18 : Autor(es): W. de la Mare (Australia)
Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission
Author(s): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia) Title: Report of the CCAMLR Observer to the ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VIII/10 : Autor(es): Observer (W.K. de la Mare, Australia)