Resultados de la búsqueda
The US regulatory notice on the implementation of conservation and management measures adopted at CCAMLR-XVI
conservation and management measures adopted at CCAMLR-XVI Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SCOI-98/12 : Autor(es): Delegation of the USA
ernational CCAMLR Applied Research and Monitoring Program Prydz Bay Priority Area (Australian contribution to the First Five Year Program)
Author(s): Australia Title: ernational CCAMLR Applied Research and Monitoring Program Prydz Bay ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-86/12 : Autor(es): Australia
Invitation to the Second CCAMLR Technical Workshop on the Development of MPAs in Domain 1
Author(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile Title: Invitation to the Second CCAMLR Technical ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXIII/BG/20 : Autor(es): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Macrourus ID guide for observers for CCAMLR Subareas 48.3 and 48.4
observers for CCAMLR Subareas 48.3 and 48.4 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-14/25 : Autor(es): J. McKenna, K.A. Ross and M. Belchier (United Kingdom)
Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom Title: THE IMPLICATIONS OF CLIMATE CHANGE FOR CCAMLR ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXVII/BG/13 : Autor(es): Delegation of the United Kingdom
United States seabird research undertaken as part of the CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program at Palmer Station, 1988/89
CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Program at Palmer Station, 1988/89 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VIII/BG/38 : Autor(es): Delegation of USA
CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Early Life Stages of Fish (Comments on the Agenda Item 5 of the 1986 Meeting)
Author(s): W. Ślósarczyk (Poland) Title: CCAMLR Ecosystem Monitoring Early Life Stages of Fish ...
Meeting Document : WG-CEMP-86/15 : Autor(es): W. Ślósarczyk (Poland)
Bibliography of South African research work undertaken in the CCAMLR Area and in closely related geographic regions
undertaken in the CCAMLR Area and in closely related geographic regions Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-IV/BG/03 : Autor(es): Delegation of South Africa
Inventory of commercial fishery data before September 1983. Annex 6 to the Report of the 1983 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR
1983 Meeting of the Scientific Committee of CCAMLR Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-DCH-84/08
Marine protected areas in the context of CCAMLR: a management tool for the Southern Ocean IUCN information paper
Author(s): Submitted by IUCN Title: Marine protected areas in the context of CCAMLR: a ...
Meeting Document : WS-MPA-05/04 : Autor(es): Submitted by IUCN