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... notification system and most of the information for notifications was uploaded directly on the CCAMLR website ... catch and effort reporting system for the krill fishery. This reporting system (CM 23-06, paragraphs 3 ... .......................................................................... 232 Weddell Sea (Domains 3 and 4) ........................................................... 232 ... CCAMLR Scientific Scholarship Scheme .......................................... 252 Adoption of the
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Meeting Report : WG-EMM-14
Semi-empirical acoustic estimates of krill biomass derived from simulated commercial fishery data based on single-frequency acoustics
the 3-frequency method using the CCAMLR protocol for the period between 1996 and 2011 in both the ... between these two areas and the 3-frequency biomass showed that models developed using a wide length ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-12/04 : Autor(es): A.M. Cossio, G.W. Watters, C.S. Reiss, J. Hinke and D. Kinzey (USA)
Semi-empirical acoustic estimates of krill biomass derived from simulated commercial fishery data based on single-frequency acoustics
the 3-frequency method using the CCAMLR protocol for the period between 1996 and 2011 in both the ... between these two areas and the 3-frequency biomass showed that models developed using a wide length ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-15/03 : Autor(es): A.M. Cossio, G.W. Watters, C.S. Reiss, J. Hinke and D. Kinzey (USA)
directly to CCAMLR or are of potential interest to CCAMLR. This includes a report on outcomes from SCAR’s ... develop plans for Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS). A detailed report of SOOS is provided as a ... supplementary information paper CCAMLR-XXVI/BG/43. SCAR has established new Action Groups on “Cold Seeps and ... II (USA). Author(s): SCAR Observer to CCAMLR (G. Hosie, Australia) Title: REPORT ON ACTIVITIES OF ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVII/BG/42 : Autor(es): SCAR Observer to CCAMLR (G. Hosie, Australia)
Modelling Movement of Antarctic Krill (MMAK): the importance of retention, dispersal and behaviour for krill distribution
the regional and local-scale processes that influence the distribution of krill in CCAMLR Area 48 ... potential impacts of climate change on this regional system. Author(s): S. Thorpe, E. Young and E. Murphy ... Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR Secretariat ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-17/31 : Autor(es): S. Thorpe, E. Young and E. Murphy
Revised research plan for the 2013/14 exploratory longline fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.1
least 3 years with the same sample size as decided at the last CCAMLR meeting for the current research ... Abstract: Catch and effort data recorded by all vessels were analyzed using latest CCAMLR C2 and ... required to be separated by not less than 3 n miles from each other, but the rest of lines can be set ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-13/38 : Autor(es): Delegation of Japan
Revised research plan for the 2013/14 exploratory longline fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2
least 3 years with the same sample size as decided at the last CCAMLR meeting for the current research ... Abstract: Catch and effort data recorded by all vessels were analyzed using latest CCAMLR C2 and ... required to be separated by not less than 3 n miles from each other but the rest of lines can be set freely ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-13/39 : Autor(es): Delegation of Japan
Marine Protected Area planning by New Zealand and the United States in the Ross Sea region
Abstract: Since 2005, CCAMLR has progressed plans to implement Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to ... achieve the aims of Article 2 of the Convention. CCAMLR has agreed a list of milestones for establishing ... a system of MPA in the Convention Area by 2012 (SC-CAMLR XXVIII, 3.28) and has encouraged Members to ... design and propose MPA scenarios on a regional basis. The 2011 CCAMLR MPA Workshop is intended to ...
Meeting Document : WS-MPA-11/25 : Autor(es): B.R. Sharp (New Zealand) and G.M. Watters (USA)
Fishery Report 2017: Dissostichus eleginoides Crozet Island French EEZ (Subarea 58.6)
to this report is shaded. Throughout this report the CCAMLR fishing season is represented by the ... year in which that season ended, e.g. 2015 represents the 2014/15 CCAMLR fishing season (from 1 ... this method has been used in the fishery since then. 3. The fishery is open year-round, but most ... 1987 488 0 488 1988 21 0 21 1994 56 0 56 1995 115 0 115 1996 3 7875 7878 1997 413 11760 12173 ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Fishery Report 2018: Exploratory fishery for Dissostichus mawsoni. in Division 58.4.2
LAYOUT OF CCAMLR DOCUMENTS AND REPORTS FI ... Convention Area, the specific region related to this report is shaded. Throughout this report the CCAMLR ... CCAMLR fishing season (from 1 December 2014 to 30 November 2015). Fishery Report 2018 ... of the research block in Division 58.4.2. 3. In 2018, the fishery was limited to a total of five ...
Document : Site Section: Publications