Resultados de la búsqueda
Distribution and abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) off East Antarctic (30–80°E) in January–March 2006
was mostly due to very high densities (up to 1400 g m-2) around the shelf break on 3 of the 11 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-07/33 : Autor(es): T. Jarvis, N. Kelly, E. van Wijk, S. Kawaguchi and S. Nicol (Australia)
Interactions between seabirds and deep water hake trawl gear: an assessment of impacts in South African waters 2004/05
numbers of White-chinned Petrels (10%), Cape Gannets (7%) and Sooty Shearwaters (3%) also were killed ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-06/41 : Autor(es): B.P. Watkins, S.L. Petersen and P.G. Ryan (South Africa)
Characteristics of krill aggregations in 48.4 subdivision during January–February 2000
situated within the zones of swarms concentrations where biomass density was than 1.5g/m^3. Biomass in the ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/42 : Autor(es): S.M. Kasatkina, A.P. Malyshko, V.N.Shnar and O.A. Berezhinskiy (Russia)
Modelling the impact of fishery by-catches on albatross populations
parameters in the model. 3. The model used two alternative assumptions about patterns of at-sea distribution ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-01/18 : Autor(es): G. Tuck, T. Polacheck (Australia), J.P. Croxall (UK) and H. Weimerskirch (France)
Fatty acid signature analysis from the milk of Antarctic fur seals and southern elephant seals from South Georgia: implications for diet determination
fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) in 3 consecutive years, from 1991- 1993 (n=72) and from Southern ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-99/44 : Autor(es): D.J. Brown, I.L. Boyd, G.C. Cripps and P.J. Butler (United Kingdom)
Distribution and some biological features of icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) at different life cycle stages in the South Georgia subarea
near the bottom where it is fished with bottom gears. The annual cycle of fish is subdivided into 3 ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-99/65 : Autor(es): Zh.A. Frolkina (Russia)
Evaluation of de la Mare’s composite standardised index for generating a simple time-series summary of many long-term datasets on Antarctic predators: consequences of missing values and criteria for inclusion of predator parameters
indicate that a time series of 3 years for the full matrix of 8 parameters used in this study is sufficient ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-98/45 : Autor(es): A. Constable (Australia)
Workshop Report – The Ross Sea: Science, Policy and the Public in a Pristine Marine Ecosystemt
Abstract: Waters overlying the Ross Sea continental shelf and slope comprise slightly more than 3 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/14 : Autor(es): J. Weller and D.G. Ainley (USA)
have been very consistent over the past 3–4 seasons. There is no evidence of any truncation of the ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-09/36 : Autor(es): S.M. Hanchet, A. Dunn and S. Mormede (New Zealand)
Using production models to assess the stock of Paralomis spinosissima around South Georgia Island
constant recruitment; Model 3 contained a Beverton-Holt recruitment function, and Model 4 used a Ricker ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-93/23 : Autor(es): George Watters (USA)