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Cruise Report – Research Project: Demersal finfish distribution, abundance, and their biological characteristics in Statistical Subareas 48.1 (northern area) and 48.2
. Additionally, eight hauls were conducted using either a Casanova bottom trawl (3 hauls) or a Gloria 704 ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-18/25 : Autor(es): Delegation of Chile
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 29/XIV (1995)
Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XIV ... used. 3. The dumping of offal shall be avoided as far as possible while longlines are being set or ... observers, at least one appointed in accordance with the CCAMLR Scheme of International Scientific ... Edward Islands. 3 For vessels using the Spanish method of longline fishing, weights should be released ... /19 (available from the CCAMLR Secretariat); testing should be carried out independently of actual ...
Conservation Measure : 29/XIV (1995)
would like to ask CCAMLR to admit for adopting new “Shinsei Maru bottom line system” instead of ... Agenda Item No(s):5 Title PROPOSAL FOR ADOPTING NEW LONGLINE SYSTEM IN THE EXPLORATORY FISHERIES ... for adopting new longline system instead of Spanish longline system to exploratory longline fisheries ... two figures, and explaining the reason why we want to adopt new system with results of bottle test ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-02 (2014)
Longline weighting for seabird conservation Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXXIII Period in Force ... paragraphs 2, 3 or 4 of Conservation Measure 25-02 shall demonstrate its ability to fully comply with one of ... longline, where: (a) for vessels using the auto longline system, each longline shall be at least 6 000 ... m in length; (b) for vessels using the Spanish longline system, each longline shall be at least ... 16 000 m in length; (c) for vessels using the Spanish longline system, with longlines less than 16 ...
Conservation Measure : 24-02 (2014)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-02 (2008)
Meeting: CCAMLR-XXVII Period in Force: 2008- 2014 ... crushed by water pressure. 3 On autolines attach to the backbone; on the Spanish longline system attach ... vessels using the auto longline system, each longline shall be at least 6 000 m in length; (b) for ... vessels using the Spanish longline system, each longline shall be at least 16 000 m in length; (c) for ... vessels using the Spanish longline system, with longlines less than 16 000 m in length, each longline ...
Conservation Measure : 24-02 (2008)
Some principles for fisheries regulation from an ecosystem perspective
studies of potential management procedures is briefly discussed. File: 17-de-la-Mare.pdf ... system input and output. For a convention such as CCAMLR, the system under discussion is the exploited ... (CCAMLR), whose relevant articles are as follows: 1. The objective of this Convention is the ... 'conservation' includes rational use 3. Any harvesting and associated activities in the area to which this ... sustained conservation of Antarctic marine living resources. The CCAMLR Convention has been widely ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3) : 323-339 : Autor(es): de la Mare, W.K.
Monday, 3 September 1990 Submissions Due: Monday, 13 August 1990 Meeting documents Doc Number Title WG ...
Report of the 1995/96 Japanese Whale Research Programme Under Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA) in Area IV and eastern part of Area III
the eastern part of the Area Ill. During the survey, 3 schools (4 animals) of the blue, 25 schools (48 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/48 : Autor(es): Yuzu, S., Ishikawa, H., Mogoe, T., Kawasaki, M., Hishii, T., Shimamoto, K., Tohyama, D., Nibe, H., Taguchi, F., Hidaka, H., Ono, K., Yamashiro, K., Yoshida, T., Tamura, T., Nishiwaki, S.
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-02 (2005)
: CCAMLR-XXIV Period in Force: 2005- 2008 ... the auto longline system, each longline shall be at least 6 000 m in length; (b) for vessels using ... the Spanish longline system, each longline shall be at least 16 000 m in length; (c) for vessels ... using the Spanish longline system, with longlines less than 16 000 m in length, each longline shall be ... longline system other than an autoline or Spanish longline system, each longline shall be of the maximum ...
Conservation Measure : 24-02 (2005)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 165/XVII (1998)
: Subarea 48.3 Species: Martialia hyadesi Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XVII Period in Force: 1998- 1999 ... closed. 3. For the purpose of these new longline fisheries, the 1998/99 fishing season is defined as the ... . 3. For the purposes of implementing this Conservation Measure: (i) the Ten-day Catch and Effort ... Reporting System, as set out in Conservation Measure 61/XII shall apply; (ii) the data required to complete ... the CCAMLR standard fine-scale catch and effort data form for squid jig fisheries (Form C3) shall be ...
Conservation Measure : 165/XVII (1998)