Resultados de la búsqueda
Examen del presupuesto de 2012, proyecto de presupuesto de 2013 y proyección del presupuesto para 2014
Author(s): Executive Secretary Title: Review of the 2012 budget, draft 2013 budget and forecast budget for 2014 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/04 : Autor(es): Executive Secretary
Estatutos del Personal
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Staff regulations Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/08 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Informe del Secretario Ejecutivo a SCAF, 2012
Author(s): Executive Secretary Title: Executive Secretary’s report to SCAF, 2012 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/06 : Autor(es): Executive Secretary
Propuesta de la UE para proteger comunidades y hábitats marinos en áreas expuestas por el retroceso o el derrumbamiento de barreras de hielo en las Subáreas 88.3, 48.1 y 48.5
Abstract: This paper introduces a draft Conservation Measure for the designation of Marine Protected Areas for the protection of habitats and communities under ice shelves, glaciers and ice tongues. Adoption of this Conservation Measure would provide for the precautionary protection of new
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/30 : Autor(es): Delegation of the European Union
Propuesta de la UE de una medida de conservación relativa a la adopción de medidas relacionadas con el comercio para promover el cumplimiento
Author(s): Delegation of the European Union Title: EU proposal for a conservation measure concerning the adoption of market-related measures to promote compliance Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/31 : Autor(es): Delegation of the European Union
Consolidación de medidas de conservación estrechamente relacionadas
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Consolidation of closely related conservation measures Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/15 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Propuesta para reforzar el sistema de inspección en puerto de la CCRVMA para prevenir, desalentar y eliminar la pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada
Author(s): Delegations of the USA and the European Union Title: A proposal to strengthen CCAMLR’s Port Inspection Scheme to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/39 : Autor(es): Delegations of the USA and the European Union
Notificación de la intención de Francia de realizar una pesquería de palangre exploratoria de Dissostichus spp. en 2012/13
Author(s): Delegation of France Title: Notification of France’s intention to conduct an exploratory longline fishery for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/18 : Autor(es): Délégation française
Notificaciones de la intención del Reino Unido de realizar pesquerías de palangre exploratorias de Dissostichus spp. en 2012/13
Author(s): Delegation of the United Kingdom Title: Notifications of the United Kingdom’s intention to conduct exploratory longline fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/27 : Autor(es): Delegation of the United Kingdom
Notificaciones de la intención de Japón de realizar pesquerías de palangre exploratorias de Dissostichus spp. en 2012/13
Author(s): Delegation of Japan Title: Notifications of Japan’s intention to conduct exploratory longline fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in 2012/13 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXI/19 : Autor(es): Delegation of Japan