Resultados de la búsqueda
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 62/XIX (2000)
the Seal Islands CEMP Site 1. The Commission noted that a program of long-term studies is being ... INFORMATION 1. Description of the site: (a) Geographical coordinates: The Seal Islands are composed of ... the island – see Figures 1 and 2). (b) Natural features: The Seal Islands cover an area ... (see Section A.1(a) for definition). No buffer zones are defined for the site. (e) Access points ...
Conservation Measure : 62/XIX (2000)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 91-03 (2004)
System which are in force. 2. Maps of the site: (a) Figure 1 shows the geographical position of the ... the Seal Islands CEMP site Species all Area 48.1 1. The Commission noted that a program of long ... MONITORING PROGRAM2 A. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of the site: (a) Geographical ... are given for the point of highest elevation on the island – see Figures 1 and 2). (b) Natural ...
Conservation Measure : 91-03 (2004)
September 2017 Friday, 1 September 2017 Schedule for the Thirty-sixth Meetings of the Commission and the ... Access and Use of CCAMLR Vessel Monitoring System Data for Maritime Search and Rescue between CCAMLR ... inspection reporting system Delegations of the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand CCAMLR-XXXVI/15 ... improving the System of Inspection Delegation of Chile CCAMLR-XXXVI/18 CCAMLR Compliance Evaluation ...
Nuevo folleto de la CCRVMA
: New CCAMLR Brochure Microsoft Word File: e-cc-xxxvii-16.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVII/16 : Autor(es): CCAMLR Secretariat
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 82/XIX (2000)
Interest (No. 32) under the Antarctic Treaty System (see Section A.1(c)). Several other sites or areas ... the Cape Shirreff CEMP Site 1. The Commission noted that a program of long-term studies is being ... CCAMLR ECOSYSTEM MONITORING PROGRAM1 A. GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of the site: (a ... features (i.e. coastlines, glacial margins) described in Section A.1(d). (d) Natural features that define ...
Conservation Measure : 82/XIX (2000)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 165/XVII (1998)
Measure 31/X: 1. Fishing for Dissostichus eleginoides in Statistical Division 58.4.4 shall be limited to ... Conservation Measure 148/XVII. 1 Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands CONSERVATION MEASURE ... Measures 7/V and 65/XII: 1. The total catch of Martialia hyadesi in the 1998/99 season shall be limited to ... Reporting System, as set out in Conservation Measure 61/XII shall apply; (ii) the data required to complete ...
Conservation Measure : 165/XVII (1998)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 33-03 (2008)
Species by-catch Area various Season 2008/09 Gear all 1. This conservation measure applies to new ... greater than 1 tonne in any one haul or set, then the fishing vessel shall move to another location at ... location where the by-catch exceeded 1 tonne for a period of at least five days5. The location where the ... by-catch exceeded 1 tonne is defined as the path6 followed by the fishing vessel. 6. If the catch ...
Conservation Measure : 33-03 (2008)
Información sobre las reuniones para Estados adherentes
La Secretaría de la CCRVMA se complace en anunciar la celebración de la trigésima primera reunión del Comité Científico. Esperamos que la información contenida en esta página les sea útil y contribuya a que su participación sea satisfactoria. El Reglamento de la Comisión (artículos 30-35) y el
Page : Site Section: Meetings
Propuesta de gasto con cargo al Fondo del SDC
expenditure proposal Microsoft Word File: e-cc-38-15.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/15 : Autor(es): CCAMLR Secretariat
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-05 (2009)
activities would be reviewed by the Scientific Committee: Access 1. Fishing for Dissostichus spp. in ... , New Zealand, Spain and Uruguay. The fishery shall be conducted by one (1) Japanese, four (4) Korean ... , one (1) New Zealand, one (1) Spanish and one (1) Uruguayan flagged vessels using longlines only ... Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Division 58.4.2, the 2009/10 season is defined as the period from 1 December ...
Conservation Measure : 41-05 (2009)