Resultados de la búsqueda
Draft Conservation Measure 10-04 ‘Automated Satellite-Linked Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)’ (CCAMLR-XXII, Annex 9)
Vessel Monitoring System (VMS)’ (CCAMLR-XXII, Annex 9) Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SCIC-04/08 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Reports of at-sea inspections submitted in accordance with the CCAMLR System of Inspection 2003/04
CCAMLR System of Inspection 2003/04 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SCIC-04/06 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Compilation of materials for considering rational use in the context of designing CCAMLR’s representative system of Marine Protected Areas
representative system of Marine Protected Areas Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXIX/BG/09
Reports of CCAMLR inspectors submitted in accordance with the CCAMLR System of Inspection for 2002/03
CCAMLR System of Inspection for 2002/03 Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SCIC-03/04 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Proposal for recording fine-scale data from vessels using the continuous fishing system in the krill fishery
continuous fishing system in the krill fishery Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXV/BG/16 : Autor(es): Secretariat
Functional specifications for a CCAMLR centralised vessel monitoring system (cVMS)
for a CCAMLR centralised vessel monitoring system (cVMS) Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXII/BG/21 : Autor(es): Delegations of Australia, New Zealand and the USA
Provision of information in accordance with the System of Inspection and the Scheme of International Scientific Observation
Author(s): Secretariat Title: Provision of information in accordance with the System of ...
Meeting Document : SCOI-98/04 : Autor(es): Secretariat
CCAMLR System of Observation and Inspection - report to the Standing Committee on Observation and Inspection
Author(s): Delegation of United Kingdom Title: CCAMLR System of Observation and Inspection ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XIII/BG/16 : Autor(es): Delegation of United Kingdom
An Environmental Information and Modelling System (EIMS) for sustainable development: from the arid subtropical to Antarctica
Author(s): V.H. Marín (Chile) Title: An Environmental Information and Modelling System (EIMS ...
Meeting Document : WG-Joint-94/16 : Autor(es): V.H. Marín (Chile)
Automated data collection and processing system relevant to fishing object distribution
collection and processing system relevant to fishing object distribution Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-KRILL-91/17 : Autor(es): Y.V. Kadilnikov, O.M. Khandros and Y.A. Starovoyt (USSR)