Resultados de la búsqueda
Modern mean monthly SST and SST anomalies off South Georgia during recent years (based on satellite data)
two grid cells (sell 1 and sell 2) on the SST map which have a resolution of 2°x2° and are centered at ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-03/20 : Autor(es): G.P. Vanyushin (Russia)
About the fecundity of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides) in Subarea 48.3 (around South Georgia)
8.19 ± 1,73 thousands of eggs) per 1 kg of fish body weight. Our studies and the analysis of data ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-98/13 : Autor(es): M.M. Nevinsky and A.N. Kozlov (Russia)
to Conservation Measure 10-03 paragraph 1 specifying that the term fishing vessel includes mother ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXVII/35 : Autor(es): Delegation of Australia
An acoustic estimation of krill densities to the north of South Georgia in January 1994
krill densities from 120 kHz signals attributed krill. At less than 1 g m-2, mean weighted krill ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/74 : Autor(es): Watkins, J.L., Brierley, A.S.
Age-length key for Champsocephalus gunnari from Subarea 48.3; Holmberg survey, February 1995
specimens (>34 cm) were scarce. Age groups 1-5 and 2-4 were well represented at South Georgia and Shag ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-95/37 : Autor(es): Casaux, R., Marschoff, E., Barrera-Oro, E.
A brief characterisation of Patagonian toothfish tag survival and tag detection in CCAMLR Statistical Area 48.3
retention in subarea 48.3 is generally good with less than 1% of double-tagged fish losing a tag. Individual ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-13/29 : Autor(es): M. Soeffker and R. Scott (United Kingdom)
Updated assessment of the risks of status quo krill fishing and proposed revisions to Conservation Measure 51-07
Abstract: We used an ecosystem model to assess the risks of 1) the most recent distribution of ... 51-07 Microsoft Word File: sc-xxxv-bg-36.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/36 : Autor(es): Delegation of the USA
FIPI/C1074 (En) ISSN 2070-6065 A GUIDE TO THE BACKGROUND AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 2009 FAO ... FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1074 FIPI/C1074 (En) A GUIDE TO THE BACKGROUND AND ... ...................................................................................................................ix 1. THE EVOLUTION OF PORT STATE MEASURES ... ............................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ...
Document : Site Section: Compliance
Southern elephant seals and CCAMLR
the southern Indian Ocean. File: 22-Bester-and-Miller.pdf ... nourriture, la concurrence avec les populations d'otaries en rapide croissance et la concurrence avec les ... Indien sud. Resumen Este documento describe los resultados de los estudios en su mayor parte ... (Mirounqa leonina) en la provincia de Kerguelen del Oceano Austral. Las subpoblaciones de esta especie han ... declinado en las islas Kerguelen, Marion, Prince Edward y Heard. Los estudios de poblacion durante la fase ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4) : 465-473 : Autor(es): Bester, M.N. and D.G.M. Miller
Fishing equipment, marine debris and hydrocarbon soiling associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia, 2006/07
associated with seabirds at Bird Island, South Georgia from 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2007. It is the ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXVI/BG/18 : Autor(es): Delegation of the United Kingdom