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All marine waters of the Western Central Pacific bounded by a line commencing from a point on the southeast coast of Asian Mainland at 15°00'N latitude; thence due east to 115°00'E longitude; thence due north to 20°00'N latitude; thence running due east along this parallel to 175°00'W longitude; thence running due south along this meridian to 25°00'S latitude; thence due west to 155°00'E longitude; thence due south to 28°09'S latitude; thence due west to meet a point on the coast of Australia at the boundary between the States of New South Wales and Queensland; thence due north along the coast of Queensland and the State of Northern Territory to a point at 129°00'E longitude at the boundary between the State of Western Australia and the Northern Territory; thence due north to 8°S latitude thence due west to 113°28'E longitude; thence due north to meet the south coast of Java at 8°23'S latitude; thence in a westerly direction along the coast of Java; thence across the marine waters between Java and Sumatra; thence along the east coast of Sumatra and running due north in the Strait of Malacca to 2°30'N latitude; thence across the Strait to meet the coast of Malay Peninsula; thence round the coasts of the Peninsula and running due north along the coast of Asian Mainland to the point of departure.