This volume contains a selection of the scientific papers presented at meetings of the Scientific Committee and Working Groups of the Scientific Committee in 1986. Abstracts of the papers and captions of tables and figures are translated into the official languages of the Commission (English, French, Russian and Spanish).
Individual papers are available for download below, the complete volume of SC-CAMLR-SSP/3 (12.08 Mo) is available as a pdf file.
Journal Papers
Assessments of the stocks of Notothenia rossii marmorata and Champsocephalus gunnari in the South Georgia area
Téléchargement (519.93 Ko)

Distribution and relative abundance of juvenile icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) from a trawl survey of the South Georgia shelf in June–July 1985
Téléchargement (257.29 Ko)

Preliminary report on biological observations and exploratory fishing data collected in the South Georgia area during the 1985/86 cruise of MT Carina
Téléchargement (999.15 Ko)

Methodology of data collection on net selectivity and accidental mortality of fish passing through the mesh of the codend
Téléchargement (709.46 Ko)

Detection and quantitative estimation of krill concentrations by hydroacoustic instruments
Téléchargement (499.55 Ko)

Determination of Antarctic krill acoustic back-scattering cross-section
Téléchargement (290.91 Ko)

Guidelines for the preparation of hydroacoustic survey reports on krill
Téléchargement (1005.05 Ko)

Methodological guidelines on the assessment of trawl catchability of krill by means of statistical modelling
Téléchargement (916.28 Ko)

Moulting interval and growth of juvenile Antarctic krill fed different concentrations of the diatom Phaenodactylum tricornutum in the laboratory
Téléchargement (122.34 Ko)

Problems of population age structure determination of Euphausia superba Dana using an example from the Antarctic Peninsula area and adjacent waters
Téléchargement (1.63 Mo)

Genetic variations and population structure of krill from the Prydz Bay region of Antarctic waters
Téléchargement (111.54 Ko)

International CCAMLR applied research and monitoring program, Prydz Bay priority area
Téléchargement (333.56 Ko)

Modelling and decision making as part of the CCAMLR management regime
Téléchargement (805.45 Ko)

Some principles for fisheries regulation from an ecosystem perspective
Téléchargement (665.44 Ko)