Résultats de la recherche
... specialist group on the use of catch per unit effort analysis in krill stock assessment had been recommended ... Fish Stock Assessment and the Workshop on Krill which the Scientific Committee recommended be held ... Dr R. MAKAROV Chief Krill Investigation Division VNIRO Research Institute Moscow UNITED ... has been distributed as SC-CAMLR-III/BG/2. 21. The second part deals with krill. Drafts of application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-III
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-III
... de kril en el Area de la Convención. Sistema de Observación 2.10 En 1993, el WG-Krill sugirió ... ANALISIS DEL ECOSISTEMA Captura secundaria de peces en la pesquería de kril Especies explotadas y el ... medio ambiente Especies explotadas y la pesquería de kril Interacción entre los componentes del ... y/o distribución de kril APENDICE E: Informe del Subgrupo de Clasificación de Señales de Eco application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-96
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-96
... ................................................................................ 9 Krill Resources................................................................................ 9 ... also referred to the krill biomass survey to be carried out in the Southern Ocean in 2000. He ... support of everyone. This will ensure that the precautionary approach to any expanded krill harvesting ... reported catches were from fisheries for krill (Euphausia superba) in Area 48, mackerel icefish application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XVII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XVII
... Trends in the Krill-centric Ecosystem ......................................... 13 Non-krill Centred ... .................................................................................... 15 Krill Fishing ... significant progress towards establishing a management regime for krill and its approach to establishing ... international observers with seven national/international observers serving on board krill vessels. 2.7 application/pdf attached to:CCAMLR-XXII
Meeting Report : CCAMLR-XXII
e-imaf-04 report.pdf
application/pdf attached to:WG-IMAF-04 ad hoc
Meeting Report : WG-IMAF-04 ad hoc
... for estimating precautionary TACs for krill (the krill yield model, Butterworth et al., 19945). A ... based on a generalised version of the CCAMLR krill yield model. Document WG-FSA-94/21. CCAMLR ... . Agnew. 1994. Further computations of the consequences of setting the annual krill catch limit to a ... fixed fraction of the estimate of krill biomass from a survey. CCAMLR Science, Vol. 1: 81-106 application/pdf attached to:WG-EMM-Methods-95
Meeting Report : WG-EMM-Methods-95
... approach for achieving this and recommended that the krill fishery should not be allowed to move into ... , 271 however, thought to be extremely important in the life cycle of krill. In the context of ... climate change, it will be important to protect the sources of krill, not only for dependent species, but ... pack-ice seals in the region, some of which are krill-dependent. It reported, with reasonable application/pdf attached to:WS-MPA-11
Meeting Report : WS-MPA-11
... possibility of granting an exemption from Conservation Measure 30/X for one Polish krill trawler until the ... for the use of such cables (CCAMLR-X, paragraph 5.11). Fishing for krill is conducted at low speed ... cable during fishing for krill have been observed on this vessel during the past three seasons. The ... continuous position-monitoring system should not, however, be introduced for krill fishing due to its application/pdf attached to:SCOI-94
Meeting Report : SCOI-94
... 58.5.2 toothfish/icefish.................................................... 412 Krill ... trawl fisheries .................................................... 413 Krill ... , paragraph 16). Krill 3.15 Data were available from 111 trawl cruises conducted within Area 48 during the ... 2008/09 season (WG-IMAF-09/5 Rev. 2). In the krill fishery, 20% of vessels fishing in Subarea 48.1 application/pdf attached to:WG-IMAF-09
Meeting Report : WG-IMAF-09
... toothfish, krill and icefish fisheries. 18. SCAF agreed that a review of the assessed contributions ... information provided by Members concerning the quantities and values for different products for krill fishing ... assessing the economic value of the krill fishery (CCAMLR-XXXV, Annex 7, paragraph 10i). This is because a ... krill fishery notification: (i) only requires an expected level of catch (ii) does not require a application/pdf attached to:SCAF-17
Meeting Report : SCAF-17