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Fishing patterns of Japanese krill trawlers
Abstract: Log book data from Japanese Krill Trawlers were used to characterize their fishing ... expressing the status of krill in the fishing ground. Catch per fishing days maybe the reasonable index for ... expressing the status of krill in the fishing ground. Author(s): S. Kawaguchi, T. Kameda and Y. Takeuchi ... (Japan) Title: Fishing patterns of Japanese krill trawlers Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/28 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): S. Kawaguchi, T. Kameda and Y. Takeuchi (Japan)
Krill of the Ross Sea: distribution, abundance and demography of Euphausia superba and Euphausia crystallorophias during the Italian Antarctic expedition (January–February 2000)
of krill in the western Ross Sea (Antarctica). A midwater sampler-trawl (Hamburg Plankton Net) was ... used to collect zooplankton and fish larvae. Mean relative biomass of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba ... 10.9 individuals per 1000m3. Ice krill Euphausia crystallorophias replaced the Antarctic krill in ... (s): A. Sala, M. Azzali and A. Russo (Italy) Title: Krill of the Ross Sea: distribution, abundance ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-02/32 Text : Auteur(s): A. Sala, M. Azzali and A. Russo (Italy)
Sources of variance in studies of krill population genetics
Abstract: There is a long-term interest in the population genetics of Antarctic krill species ... resurgence of interest in identifying distinct stocks of swarming krill species has been driven by the ... of krill population genetics, which must be able to accommodate this variance component as well as ... variance attributable to differences between regions. Genetic differentiation between stocks of krill in ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/12 : Auteur(s): S.N. Jarman and S. Nicol (Australia)
Final report of scientific observation of commercial krill harvest aboard the Japanese stern trawler Niitaka Maru, 13 December 2000–26 January 2001
Abstract: Japan has deployed one scientific observer on a Japanese krill trawler, Niitaka Maru ... measurements of krill, product types are described in the report. The trawler made an anti-clockwise trip ... southwards. Also, they encountered icebergs twice, and caught some small sized krill around them, which they ... scientific observation of commercial krill harvest aboard the Japanese stern trawler Niitaka Maru, 13 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-01/38 : Auteur(s): T. Hayashi, S. Kawaguchi and M. Naganobu (Japan)
Estimation of the fishery–krill–predator overlap
Abstract: Work undertaken during the intersessional period has enabled better use of the krill ... fishery data, and a comparison between the three existing indices of fishery-krill-predator overlap used ... resolution, resulted in lower overlap between the krill fishery and the krill predators, and lower values of ... –krill–predator overlap Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-99/11 : Auteur(s): Secretariat
Phytoplankton standing stocks in relation to krill in Antarctic waters
Abstract: Investigations on krill trawl operations in the southern ocean were accompanied by the ... phytoplankton and zooplankton studies during the First Indian Antarctic Krill Expedition. The study area which ... phytoplankton and zooplankton in the region of krill swarm however showed active feeding by the latter on these ... abundance could be possible sites for locating krill fisheries in the southern oceans. Author(s): X.N ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-98/34 : Auteur(s): X.N. Verlecar, R. Vijayakumar, F. Saldhana and L. Martins (India)
Abstract: Besides the climate change impact on krill based ecosystem uncertainties the factors of ... productive krill population region, and QSW maximum- in the Ross Sea area and Australian sector. We expect ... add the uncertainties to the information gaps in the status of Antarctic krill resources existed due ... data (C1 data) from vessels fishing for krill in the CAMLR Convention Area in 1974-2007 is started to ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-09/36 : Auteur(s): G. Milinevsky (Ukraine)
Extension to the krill-predator modelling exercise
Abstract: The krill-predator modelling calculations of Thomson and Butterworth (1995) are ... krill harvesting is found to be strongly dependent on the estimate of the maximum annual growth rate (R ... ) which the population can achieve. For R=10%, it is estimated that a krill harvesting intensity rate γ of ... ): Thomson, R.B., Butterworth, D.S. Title: Extension to the krill-predator modelling exercise Approval ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-96/67 : Auteur(s): Thomson, R.B., Butterworth, D.S.
A sensitivity analysis of a simple krill individual-based model designed to investigate length-based recruitment indices
-board Krill (Euphausia superba) fishing vessels measure the length of individual Krill sampled from ... commercial catches. These extremely valuable data may be used to monitor the state of harvested Krill ... individual-based model of krill population dynamics was subjected to a sensitivity analysis. Starting from a ... (Secretariat) Title: A sensitivity analysis of a simple krill individual-based model designed to investigate ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/23 : Auteur(s): S. Thanassekos and K. Reid (Secretariat)
Uncertainty in green weight estimates from Norwegian krill fishing vessels
Abstract: Uncertainty related to estimates of krill green weight from catches has recently been ... krill fishery for Euphausia superba in the Antarctic. These vessels have in recent years contributed to ... 50-60 % of the total krill harvest, and reliable uncertainty estimates from these vessels will ... estimates from Norwegian krill fishing vessels Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-13/41 : Auteur(s): G. Skaret and T. Knutsen (Norway)