Résultats de la recherche
Guidelines for the preparation of hydroacoustic survey reports on krill
Paper Title: Guidelines for the preparation of hydroacoustic survey reports on krill Abstract ... results obtained during echometric surveys of fish and krill, and to establish a data bank of these ... PREPARATION OF HYDROACOUSTIC SURVEY REPORTS ON KRILL I.L.Kalikhman (U.S.S.R.) Abstract The proposed ... echometric surveys of fish and krill, and to establish a data bank of these surveys. The unification of ... LA PREPARATION DES RAPPORTS SUR LES ETUDES HYDROACOUSTIQUES DU KRILL 1. L. Kalikhman (U .R. S. S ... des verifications de resultats obtenus lors des etudes echometriques sur les poissons et le krill ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3) : 165-193 : Auteur(s): Kalikhman, I.L.
Distribution of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) catches in the South Shetlands and South Orkneys
Paper Title: Distribution of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) catches in the South Shetlands and ... . Krill catches in these zones are shown to have a consistent pattern in Subarea 48.1 but an unpredictable ... distribuidas a 10 largo de las costas de las islas Shetland del Sur y Orcadas del Sur. Las capturas de kril ... de kril y consumo de los depredadores en el perfodo de diciembre a marzo a diferentes distancias de ... . Capturas de kril y consumo de los depredadores en el perfodo de diciembre a marzo a diferentes distancias ... kril en la subarea y en el "perfodo-distancia crfticas" (CPD, definido como la distancia de 100 km de ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9) : 287–303 : Auteur(s): Agnew, D.J.
Estimating standing stock of krill using maximum entropy
Paper Title: Estimating standing stock of krill using maximum entropy File: 10everson.pdf ... standing stock of krill using maximum Entropy Inigo Everson Environmental Science Research Centre ... . (2006) describes a maximum entropy image reconstruction (MaxEnt) of the krill distribution using data ... stock of krill in the area and compare it with the estimate using the Jolly and Hampton (1990) method ... relate to any spatial scale determined from the krill distribution or dependent species. Interactions ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 15 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 15) : 193 : Auteur(s): Everson, I
Analyses of acoustic line-transect data from the waters around South Georgia: estimation of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) – biomass
: estimation of krill (Euphausia superba Dana) – biomass Abstract / Description: A large-scale acoustic survey ... WG-KRILL-91/30 ANALYSES OF ACOUSTIC LINE-TRANSECT DATA ... FROM THE WATERS AROUND SOUTH GEORGIA: ESTIMATION OF KRILL (EUPHAUSIA SUPERBA DANA) - BIOMASS E ... abundance of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba Dana). There are, however, a number of problems in the ... application of these techniques for the routine surveying of krill populations in the Southern Ocean. In ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8) : 225–243 : Auteur(s): Murphy, E., I. Everson and A. Murray
Characteristics of krill swarms from Prydz Bay
Paper Title: Characteristics of krill swarms from Prydz Bay Abstract / Description: The ... WG-KRILL-91/7 CHARACTERISTICS OF KRILL SWARMS FROM ... Subgroup on Survey Design. The subgroup was set up by the CCAMLR Working Group on Krill (WG-Krill) and ... was directed "to establish: (i) a set of initial parameters pertaining to the distribution of krill ... analysis. Pings were designated as krill bearing if a single depth range had an MVBS value exceeding a ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8) : 177–189 : Auteur(s): Agnew, D.J. and I.R. Higginbottom
Krill biomass in Area 48 and Area 58: recalculations of FIBEX data
Paper Title: Krill biomass in Area 48 and Area 58: recalculations of FIBEX data Abstract ... potencia de blanco (TS) y la longitud del kril. APPENDIX I RECREATION OF ODISSEY AND DR EDUARDO L ... WG-KRILL-92/20 KRILL BIOMASS IN AREA 48 AND AREA 58 ... Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) set precautionary catch limits for krill in Statistical Area 48 ... Working Group on Krill (WG-Krill) (SC-CAMLR, 1991a) using estimates of krill biomass established from ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/9) : 157–181 : Auteur(s): Trathan, P.N., D.J. Agnew, D.G.M. Miller, J.L. Watkins, I. Everson, M.R. Thorley, E. Murphy, A.W.A. Murray and C. Goss
Phytoplankton distribution in the mixed layer: implication to krill abundance
Paper Title: Phytoplankton distribution in the mixed layer: implication to krill abundance ... MIXED LAYER: IMPLICATION TO KRILL ABUNDANCE* Hidekatsu Yamazaki and Thomas R. Osborn * (Revised ... operation time less significant. Although experiments suggest that krill are omnivorous, the animals ... krill's stomach is of the order of minutes. These reports imply that krill are continuously grazing, and ... schOOling and swimming behavior of krill may be related to foraging. A strategy to minimize energy ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I) : 331–356 : Auteur(s): Yamazaki, H. and T.R. Osborn
A hybrid approach to acoustic classification and length estimation of krill
Paper Title: A hybrid approach to acoustic classification and length estimation of krill Abstract ... . 11 (2004): 33–58 33 A HYBRID APPROACH TO ACOUSTIC CLASSIFICATION AND LENGTH ESTIMATION OF KRILL ... . 34 Introduction In the Ross Sea, two similar krill species play a fundamental role in the pelagic ... . Opportunities to carry out net sampling are severely limited by the presence of ice. Both krill species can ... length estimation of krill The largest frequency ratios are the most sen- sitive to changes in a. The ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 11 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 11) : 33–58 : Auteur(s): Azzali, M., I. Leonori and G. Lanciani
The error of the biomass estimate as a function of survey parameters and the statistics of a density field of krill aggregations
statistics of a density field of krill aggregations Abstract / Description: Simple relationships expressing ... ESTIMATE AS A FUNCTION OF SURVEY PARAMETERS AND THE STATISTICS OF A DENSITY FIELD OF KRILL AGGREGATIONS ... STATISTICS OF A DENSITY FIELD OF KRILL AGGREGATIONS Z.I. Kizner All-union Research Institute of Marine ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4) : 213-228 : Auteur(s): Kizner, Z.I.
Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleet
Paper Title: Analysis and modelling of the Soviet Southern Ocean krill fleet Abstract ... / Description: The first part of this document contains an analysis of data pertaining to the Soviet krill ... process such as trawl duration, krill catch, or between trawl movement. Correlation analyses are presented ... support the notion of a “patches within patches” model for the distribution of krill in the southern ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part I) : 127–235 : Auteur(s): Mangel, M.