Résultats de la recherche
interpreting indicators from populations that may be depleted. The suite of papers on krill cover the spectrum ... krill fishing; as well as a description of the analysis of acoustic data to determine krill biomass ... habitats. In the case of Antarctic krill, there are papers that describe how abundance estimates are ... derived from acoustic data, details of the krill and fish by-catch taken in the krill fishery and a novel ... indicators from populations that may be depleted. The suite of papers on krill cover the spectrum of ... analysis of data gathered on fishing vessels to using trends in patents to predict the future for krill ... fishing; as well as a description of the analysis of acoustic data to determine krill biomass. During ... the case of Antarctic krill, there are papers that describe how abundance estimates are derived from ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 18 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 18) : 167 : Auteur(s): Editors
Towards the development of a management plan for mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Subarea 48.3
years of poor krill availability. Thus natural ortality of C. gunnari may, in some years, increase by a ... large factor (assumed here to be 4), declining to normal levels again when krill return. This paper ... outlines a scheme which would use information from studies on krill and predators undertaken as part of the ... predictions of coming periods of krill scarcity as early warnings of increased natural mortality of C. gunnari ... aiios de escasez de kril. Es asi como la mortalidad natural de C, gunnari puede, en algunos aiios ... a1 nivel normal cuando el kril vuelve a estar disponible. Este estudio describe un esquema que ... utilizaria la informaci6n de 10s estudios sobre el kril y 10s depredadores que se Management Plan for C ... utilizaria la prediccion de proximos periodos de escasez de kril como una indication temprana del aumento de ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 5 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 5) : 63–77 : Auteur(s): Agnew, D.J., I. Everson, G.P. Kirkwood and G.B. Parkes
Status of the Polish FIBEX acoustic data from the West Atlantic
acoustic target strength estimates of krill (SC-CAMLR, 1991a). This analysis indicated that the acoustic ... densities of krill in the oceanic parts of the Drake Passage were low (3 g m-2); however, the results also ... Shetland Islands were areas of high density. High acoustic densities of krill (77 g m-2) were also present ... del blanco del kril fueron utilizadas para analizar 10s datos acbsticos de la prospecci6n polaca ... de kril determinadas por metodos acusticos en las regiones oceanicas del Pasaje Drake fueron bajas ... Trathan et a1 ireas de alta densidad. Tambign se encontraron altas densidades de kril(77 g m-2) en el ... . Lista de las tablas Tabla 1: Densidad y biomasa de kril estimadas de la prospeccidn acustica polaca ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 6 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 6) : 125–132 : Auteur(s): Trathan, P.N., J. Kalinowski and I. Everson
Indices of prey availability near the Seal Island CEMP site: 1990 to 1996
demographic indices of krill abundance derived from net samples. Indices of persistence over time reflect the ... relative biomass of juvenile krill near Seal Island during the first survey of each year as compared to the ... these indices may be useful in modelling krill predator breeding success as a function of prey ... 10s indices demogrsficos de la abundancia de kril deducidos de muestras de la red. Los indices de ... persistencia a traves del tiempo reflejan la biomasa relativa de kril juvenil cerca de la Isla Foca durante la ... utilidad en la elaboration de modelos del 6xito reproductor de 10s depredadores de kril en funcidn de la ... datos para la estirnacion de 10s indices de disponibilidad de presa para 10s depredadores de kril que ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 4 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 4) : 37–45 : Auteur(s): Hewitt, R.P., G. Watters and D.A. Demer
Status of the FIBEX acoustic data from the West Atlantic
consistency of krill abundance estimates derived from different survey vessels. There is a good level of ... objeto de comprobar la coherencia de 10s calculos de abundancia del kril obtenidos de la informacion ... : Calculos de la densidad y biomasa del kril empleando informacion de la prospeccion acustica de FIBEX ... distribution de 10s valores de la densidad del kril para 10s intervalos de integracion diurnos de las ... distribucion de 10s valores de la densidad del kril para 10s intervalos de integracion diurnos obtenidos por ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 1 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 1) : 35–48 : Auteur(s): Trathan, P.N. and I. Everson
Preliminary results of research activities of RV Evrika in the Scotia Sea in January-March 1988
became stronger, causing the krill to drift eastwards. Krill concentrations were observed in the waters ... phytoplankton, zooplankton and krill (biological parameters) is now under way. File: 11-Maklygin-et-al.pdf ... Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Second Frontal Zone became stronger, causing the krill to drift ... eastwards. Krill concentrations were observed in the waters to the southeast of South Georgia where ... primary production was registered. The analysis of data on phytoplankton, zooplankton and krill ... s'amplifia, provoquant la derive du krill vers I'est. Des concentrations de krill furent observees au sud ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part II (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/5 – Part II) : 215-229 : Auteur(s): Maklygin, L.I., A.S. Fedorov, V.N. Shnar, Yu.A. Shulyakovsky, I.V. Krasovsky, Yu.D. Shuvaev and A.V. Kromsky
Response to Everson (2008)
Estimating standing stock of krill using maximum Entropy imagE rEconstruction A.S. Brierley and B.G ... al., 2004), krill target strengths (TS) determined from an SDWBA model (Demer and Conti, 2005), and ... krill in the southwest Atlantic has been estimated as 109.4 million tonnes with a standard deviation ... - transect krill density data from the same survey, scaled from the same echo-intensity data using the same ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 15 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 15) : 195–198 : Auteur(s): Brierley, A.S., B.G. Heywood and S.F. Gull
Food and feeding of the mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) around South Georgia in January/February 1991
877 stomachs collected at 44 stations. Both the proportion of krill (Euphausia superba) in the ... analysed in 3 877 stomachs collected at 44 stations. Both the proportion of krill (Euphausia superba) in ... krill (Euphausia superba) dans les estomacs et l'intensite alimentaire relevees etaient ... /febrero de 1991. Estos anruisis demostraron que la proporci6n de krill (Euphausia superba) en los ... qualitatively (see reviews in Kock, 1981; Wilhelms, 1986; Kozlov et al., 1988). Main prey items were krill ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8) : 15–23 : Auteur(s): Kock, K.-H., I. Everson, S. Campbell, G. Parkes, Z. Cielniaszek and J. Szlakowski
Optimization of survey sampling design in the detection of interannual variability and prey size selectivity in the diet of penguins
penguins and krill to be used in the detection of inter-annual variability in the parameters concerned are ... each level in nested ANOV A designs. The optimal numbers of penguins and krill to be used in the ... chaque niveau des modeles ANOVA a emboitement. Le nombre optimal de manchots et d'individus de krill a ... krill que han de emplearse para la deteccion de la variabilidad interanual en los parametros ... dates, "penguins-within-dates" and "krill-within-penguins". These data do not allow detection of the ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 551–559 : Auteur(s): Marschoff, E. and B. Gonzalez
A rationale for conservation areas within Antarctic waters
, first priority has been given to surface circulation of southern waters and the distribution of krill ... given to surface circulation of southern waters and the distribution of krill. This has been ... surface des eaux australes et la repartition du krill ont ete considerees en toute priorite. S'y sont ... australes y a la distribucion del krill. Esto ha sido suplementado por inforrnacion (limitada) sobre la ... krill harvesting, it is timely to consider whether the areas and sub-areas defined largely for other ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/4) : 513-535 : Auteur(s): Chittleborough, R.G.