Résultats de la recherche
Distribution of the Soviet krill fishing fleet in the South Orkneys area (Subarea 48.2) during 1989/90
Paper Title: Distribution of the Soviet krill fishing fleet in the South Orkneys area (Subarea ... statistics from the Soviet krill fishing fleet during the 1989/90 season (sample of 3 614 hauls for the ... topographically-induced effects. Except in November 1989, temporally and spatially sustained fishable krill ... over oceanic areas, and targeted krill aggregations found in the major current flowing towards the ... las estadisticas de pesca de cada lance efectuado por la flota de pesca de kril sovietica durante la ... . Durante noviembre la flota comercial faen6 en alta mar concentrandose en las agrupaciones de kril que se ... junto con-las c6ncentraciones de kril. Se registr6 un CPUE mixirno (3,8 toneladas/hora) en 10s inicios ... arrastre del kril, estimada segun el traslado de la zona de pesca, alcanzo 7,4 km/dia (8,7 cm/seg). Esto ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 5 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 5) : 51–62 : Auteur(s): Sushin, V.A
Estimating optimal observer coverage in the Antarctic krill fishery
Paper Title: Estimating optimal observer coverage in the Antarctic krill fishery Abstract ... conventional krill trawl vessels fishing in South Georgia (CCAMLR Subarea 48.3) were analysed using variance ... estimate parameters of interest, in this case the mean (or median) krill length and the rate of larval fish ... on board for about 30% of that season. They have achieved a rate of krill sampling equivalent to 18 ... bordo de los barcos arrastreros que pescan kril con el método tradicional en Georgia del Sur (Subárea ... los parámetros de interés, en este caso, el promedio (o la mediana) de la talla de kril y la tasa de ... de muestreo de kril conseguida es equivalente al 18% del total de los lances por barco y por ... varianza entre los barcos y entre los lances. Para el promedio de la talla de kril y para la tasa de ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 17 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 17) : 139–154 : Auteur(s): Agnew, D.J., P. Grove, T. Peatman, R. Burn and C.T.T. Edwards
Quantifying movement behaviour of vessels in the Antarctic krill fishery
Paper Title: Quantifying movement behaviour of vessels in the Antarctic krill fishery Abstract ... / Description: Ten years of recent fine-scale haul-by-haul krill data were used to characterise the behaviour ... of the krill fishery. Analysis of distance between hauls in relation to their catch level revealed a ... basis for describing a generalised fishery model. Updates for some of the parameters for the krill ... проводить научные наблюдатели. Resumen Se caracterizó el comportamiento de la pesquería de kril en base a ... algunos de los parámetros del modelo de la pesquería de kril propuesto a fines de la década de los 80 ... kril durante el año, y que lo mejor sería que estos datos fuesen registrados por los observadores ... Quantifying movement behaviour of vessels in the antarctic krill fishery S. Kawaguchi and S.G. Candy ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 16 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 16) : 131–148 : Auteur(s): Kawaguchi, S. and S.G. Candy
Moulting interval and growth of juvenile Antarctic krill fed different concentrations of the diatom Phaenodactylum tricornutum in the laboratory
Paper Title: Moulting interval and growth of juvenile Antarctic krill fed different ... Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) were fed Phaenodactylum tricornutum, at concentrations ranging from 0.0 ... juvenile krill increased, up to a concentration of 1.0 mgC 1 –1. No further effect of food concentrations ... , 1.14mm. From these results, maximum daily growth rate (∆BL /IP) of juvenile krill was calculated to be ... OF JUVENILE ANTARCTIC KRILL FED DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF THE DIATOM PHAENODACTYLUM TRICORNUTUM IN ... THE LABORATORY T. Ikeda, P.G. Thomas (Australia) Abstract Juveni,le Antarctic krill (Euphausia ... period (IP) decreased, but an increment of body length per moult (6BL) of juvenile krill increased, up ... , maximum daily growth rate (6BL/IP) of juvenile krill was calculated to be 0.047 mm day-l, which is too ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3) : 223-225 : Auteur(s): Ikeda, T. and P.G. Thomas
Some comments on the procedure for testing estimators of krill abundance which utilise survey data
Paper Title: Some comments on the procedure for testing estimators of krill abundance which ... utilise survey data Abstract / Description: Since krill distributional data do show evidence of spatial ... computer generation of krill distribution patterns, which are compatible with existing information on the ... distributions from surveys. ‘Two-level’ models of krill distribution are considered. These achieve overall ... WG-KRILL-91/21 SOME COMMENTS ON THE PROCEDURE FOR ... TESTING ESTIMATORS OF KRILL ABUNDANCE WHICH UTILISE SURVEY DATA D.S. Butterworth*, D.L. Borchers* and ... D.G.M. Miller** * ** Abstract Since krill distributional data do show evidence of spatial ... computer generation of krill distribution patterns, which are compatible with existing information on the ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/8) : 191–205 : Auteur(s): Butterworth, D.S., D.L. Borchers and D.G.M. Miller
Status of the krill stock around Elephant Island in 1991/92 and 1992/93
Paper Title: Status of the krill stock around Elephant Island in 1991/92 and 1992/93 Abstract ... / Description: Krill stock composition and distribution patterns in the vicinity of Elephant Island during the ... . The general distribution of krill length and maturity classes conformed to previous descriptions and ... appears to be a recurring and predictable aspect of the krill stocks in the Antarctic Peninsula region ... . Resumen Se presenta y compara la cornposicion del stock de kril y sus patrones de distribucion ... madurez del kril se ajusta a las descripciones anteriores y parece ser un aspecto recurrente y previsible ... de 10s stocks de kril en la region de la peninsula Antartica. Las distribuciones de frecuencia de ... . La abundacia, composicion de 10s estados de madurez y actividad reproductora del kril en general ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 1 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 1) : 7–33 : Auteur(s): Loeb, V. and V. Siegel
Midwater trawl catchability in relation to krill and possible ways of assessing gross catch
Paper Title: Midwater trawl catchability in relation to krill and possible ways of assessing ... methodology was developed for and applied to determining the rate of krill filtration through the trawl rope ... and netting and also the probability that krill will come into contact with various parts of the net ... midwater trawls in the krill fishery indicates that the potential exists for this efficiency to be ... WG-KRILL-90/22 MIDWATER TRAWL CATCHABILITY IN RELATION ... TO KRILL AND POSSIBLE WAYS OF ASSESSING GROSS CATCH Yu.V. Zimarev*, S.M. Kasatkina* and Yu.P ... developed for and applied to determining the rate of krill filtration through the trawl rope and netting ... and also the probability that krill will come into contact with various parts of the net as it passes ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/7) : 87–113 : Auteur(s): Zimarev, Yu.V., S.M. Kasatkina and Yu.P. Frolov
Sources of variance in studies of krill population genetics
Paper Title: Sources of variance in studies of krill population genetics Abstract / Description ... : There has been a long-term interest in the population genetics of Antarctic krill species because of ... resurgence of interest in identifying distinct stocks of swarming krill species has been driven by the ... taken within one region. This has important implications for the design of future studies of krill ... poblaciones de las especies de kril antártico está despertando interés, debido a su importancia tanto para la ... la identifi cación de los distintos stocks de especies de kril agrupados en concentraciones. Los ... diseño de las futuras investigaciones de la genética de las poblaciones de kril, que debe tener en ... entre las regiones. Por lo tanto, la diferenciación genética entre los stocks de kril de distintas ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 9 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 9) : 107–116 : Auteur(s): Jarman, S.N. and S. Nicol
Analysis of krill trawling positions north of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic Peninsula area), 1980/81–1999/2000
Paper Title: Analysis of krill trawling positions north of the South Shetland Islands (Antarctic ... commercial krill trawling positions for the 1980/81 to 1999/2000 seasons in the area north of the South ... . Trawling positions seemed to be primarily governed by the distribution of larger mature krill, especially ... quality, such as salp abundance and the proportion of green krill, also seemed to have an increasing ... arrastres de la pesqueria comercial de kril desde la temporada 1980/81 a la 1999/2000 a1 norte de las islas ... distribucion del kril maduro y de mayor tarnaiio aparentemente fue el factor deterininante en la distribucion ... kril verde, tarnbieli afectaron significatlvamcnte 10s arrastres de kril en el verano. Tambien se ... abundancia de kril o de las salpas. (Loeb et al., 1997). T: coeficiente tau de la correlation de 10s ranges ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 8 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 8) : 25–36 : Auteur(s): Kawaguchi, S. and K. Segawa
Options for allocating the precautionary catch limit of krill among small-scale management units in the Scotia Sea
Paper Title: Options for allocating the precautionary catch limit of krill among small-scale ... management units in the Scotia Sea Abstract / Description: Following an assessment of Antarctic krill ... catch limit for krill among the SSMUs so as to preclude the inadvertent concentration of catches in a ... demand in the SSMU; (iii) estimated standing stock of krill in the SSMU; and (iv) standing stock less ... Tras una evaluación del kril antártico (Euphausia superba) en el mar de Escocia, la CCRVMA estableció ... pequeña escala (UOPE). La subdivisión del límite de captura precautorio de kril entre las UOPE se hizo ... de la demanda de los depredadores en la UOPE; (iii) una estimación de la biomasa instantánea de kril ... estos depredadores pero en áreas donde la pesca de kril no ha ocurrido con frecuencia; y de acuerdo con ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 11 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 11) : 81–97 : Auteur(s): Hewitt, R.P., G. Watters, P.N. Trathan, J.P. Croxall, M.E. Goebel, D. Ramm, K. Reid, W.Z. Trivelpiece and J.L. Watkins