Résultats de la recherche
Hidroacustics survey around Elephant Island (Subarea 48.1) and South Orkney Islands (Subarea 48.2), austral summer 2016
Abstract: This paper submits the results of the acoustic cruise made in the austral summer of 2016. The survey delivers the bottom bathymetry, the geographic distribution of krill concentrations, and the presence of fish shoals in 1,500 nautical miles over the shelf and the continental slope (100
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/21 : Auteur(s): N.A. Landeros and P.M. Arana
Spawning pattern and type of fecundity in notothenioids collected around the Elephant and South Orkney Islands
Abstract: The frequency distribution of oocytes diameter and relative fecundity (FR) of 4 notothenioids (Chaenocephalus aceratus, Chaenocephalus gunnari, Notothenia rossi and Pseudochaenichthys georgianus) was carried out, in females collected during a fishery research survey around the Elephant
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/22 : Auteur(s): G. Plaza, P.M. Arana, F. Becker, A. Zavatteri and V.H. Castillo
Pop-off Satellite Tagging in the Ross Sea Region in 2016
Abstract: In 2016, the USA and New Zealand began a collaborative initiative to describe Antarctic toothfish (Dissosticus mawsoni) movement and habitat preferences in the Ross Sea (Subarea 88.1) using pop-off satellite archival tags (PSAT) tags. Fish were tagged as part of research longline efforts
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/57 : Auteur(s): C.D. Jones, S.J. Parker, A. Dunn, D. Di Blasi and D. Stevens
Progress report 3: Proposal for GEF (Global Environment Facility) funding
Abstract: In 2014, the Scientific Committee endorsed a proposal from South Africa that the Secretariat be tasked with developing a proposal for funding support from the Global Environment Facility to build capacity among GEF-eligible CCAMLR Member countries to strengthen their participation in
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/22 : Auteur(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
A preliminary assessment of mackerel icefish (Champsocephalus gunnari) in Division 58.5.2, based on results from the 2016 random stratified trawl survey
Abstract: The annual Random Stratified Trawl Survey was undertaken in Division 58.5.2 in the vicinity of Heard Island during April 2016. This paper provides a preliminary assessment of mackerel icefish population structure, abundance and yield for the area of Division 58.5.2 to the west of 79 o 20
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/26 : Auteur(s): D. Maschette and D. Welsford
Revised research plan for the 2016/17 exploratory longline fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.6 by South Africa and Japan
Abstract: South Africa and Japan have revised the next season’s (2016/17) research plan in Subarea 48.6 using the latest CCAMLR C2 and Observer data, following several advices during WG-SAM meeting in 2016. We have used extracted data provided by CCAMLR Secretariat in this late August for the
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/32 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): Delegations of Japan and South Africa
Revised research plan for the 2016/17 toothfish fishery in Division 58.4.4b by Japan and France
Abstract: Japan and France have revised the next season’s (2016/17) research plan in research blocks 58.4.4b_1 and 58.4.4b_2 using the latest CCAMLR C2 and Observer data, following several advices during WG-SAM meeting in 2016. We have used extracted data provided by CCAMLR Secretariat in this
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/33 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): Delegations of Japan and France
COLTO Depredation Workshop
Abstract: The inaugural COLTO Depredation Workshop took place in Punta Arenas, Chile, 15-18 March 2016. Results were an enhanced understanding on the current state of depredation in toothfish fisheries, as well as a vision of what is required in the short-to-medium term to better understand and
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXV/BG/23 : Auteur(s): Submitted by COLTO
IUU summaries for inclusion in Fishery Reports
Abstract: In response to the request from SC-CAMLR-XXXIV, the Secretariat has provided area-specific information on IUU activity that could be incorporated into the relevant Fishery Reports. Author(s): CCAMLR Secretariat Title: IUU summaries for inclusion in Fishery Reports Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-16/24 : Auteur(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
CCAMLR seabird mortality mitigation measures with a particular reference to offal and discard discharging in high latitude fisheries
Author(s): Delegation of New Zealand Title: CCAMLR seabird mortality mitigation measures with a particular reference to offal and discard discharging in high latitude fisheries Microsoft Word File: cc-xxxv-bg-19.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/BG/19 : Auteur(s): Delegation of New Zealand