Résultats de la recherche
Proposition pour la mise à jour du mandat et des modalités du fonds spécial pour les AMP de la CCAMLR
Abstract: The MPA Special Fund was established in 2005 to support activities undertaken in respect of MPAs. Given recent progress by CCAMLR towards the development of MPAs, it is now timely to review the purpose of the Fund, and to update the terms of reference and practical guidance for how it is
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/12 : Auteur(s): Delegations of the United Kingdom and the United States, on behalf of the MPA Special Fund Correspondence Group
L'AMP de la mer de Weddell révisée et d'importantes répercussions sur la planification des AMP de la CCAMLR
Abstract: This paper summarises issues discussed in WG-EMM-17/42 relating to the appropriate use of data in the Weddell Sea Marine Protected Area (WSMPA) planning process, and whether the approach taken to develop the WSMPA proposal (CCAMLR-XXXV/18) was consistent with past and ongoing CCAMLR MPA
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/10 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Norway
Qualité du positionnement et estimations du poids vif du krill lors de l'utilisation du système de pêche en continu
Abstract: During the 2017 EMM meeting Norway was requested to act towards the industry to ensure catch reporting in accordance with the present conservation measure (CM 21-03) and to investigate potential errors in historic catches. WG-EMM-17 requested a plan for how this could be done and this
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/11 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Norway
Élection du président et des vice-présidents du Comité scientifique
Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: Election of the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Scientific Committee Microsoft Word File: r-sc-xxxvi-13.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: Russian
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/13 : Auteur(s): Делегация Российской Федерации
Informations sur un atelier de formation d'observateurs scientifiques et de contrôleurs de la CCAMLR
Abstract: Information is presented on a Workshop for Training Russian Scientific Observers and Inspectors to work in fisheries in the CCAMLR Convention Area held at the AntlantNIRO Institute in Kaliningrad (21–25 August 2017). Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: Information
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/14 : Auteur(s): Делегация Российской Федерации
Soutien scientifique et en matière d'informations relatif aux aires marines protégées (AMP) établies dans la zone de la Convention CAMLR
Abstract: Consideration is given to the establishment and operation of MPAs in the CCAMLR Convention Area, including the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf MPA and the Ross Sea Region MPA. Author(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation Title: Marine protected areas (MPAs) established in the
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVI/30 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): Делегация Российской Федерации
Proposition préliminaire d'aire marine protégée du domaine 1 PARTIE A-1 : Zones prioritaires de conservation
Abstract: This document contributes to the planning process for the designation of a Domain 1 MPA led by Argentina and Chile. The process has resulted in the compilation, analysis, integration and display of a large amount of information, not only contributing to the best science available but
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/17 : Auteur(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Proposition préliminaire d'aire marine protégée du domaine 1 PARTIE A-2 : Modèle d'AMP
Abstract: This document contributes to the planning process for the designation of a Domain 1 MPA led by Argentina and Chile. Specifically, this paper describes the rationale behind the development of the Domain 1 MPA model, which was based on the identification of Priority Areas for Conservation
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/18 : Auteur(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Proposition de création d'un groupe d'experts sur l'AMP du domaine 1
Abstract: Domain 1 is a complex region where multiple interests and activities coexist, including research and fishing activities. The complexity of its management is reflected in the numerous discussions held at the Commission, the Scientific Committee and the Working Groups during recent years.
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVI/19 : Auteur(s): Delegations of Argentina and Chile
Proposition de collaboration de la France à la surveillance satellitaire de la zone CCAMLR
Author(s): Délégation française Title: Proposition de collaboration de la France à la surveillance satellitaire de la zone CCAMLR Microsoft Word File: f-cc-xxxvi-19.docx Approval: Approved Secretariat Workflow Status: Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: France
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVI/19 : Auteur(s): Délégation française