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Fishery Report: Closed fishery for Dissostichus spp. in Divisions 58.4.4a and 58.4.4b
assessment........................................................................ 4 5. By-catch of fish ... limits are for both divisions combined, and apply to the north of 60°S. (Source: STATLANT data for past ... (source: fine-scale data pro-rated by total reported catch in Table 1(a)). D. eleginoides D. mawsoni ... STATLANT data, and the length–weight relationships were taken from observations on D. eleginoides in ...
Document : Site Section: Publications
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-03 (2010)
paragraph 13 below, fish during daylight hours in an exemption to paragraph 5 (night setting) of ... board throughout all fishing activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 15. For the ... Catch and Effort Data Reporting System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Data shall be reported ... Dissostichus spp., and ‘by-catch species’ are defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data ...
Conservation Measure : 41-03 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-03 (2011)
Measure 24-02, vessels may, subject to paragraph 13 below, fish during daylight hours in an exemption ... within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 15. For the purpose of implementing this ... in Conservation Measure 23-01; (ii) the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Data Reporting ... System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Data shall be reported on a haul-by-haul basis. For ...
Conservation Measure : 41-03 (2011)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-03 (2012)
Measure 24-02, vessels may, subject to paragraph 13 below, fish during daylight hours in an exemption ... within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 15. For the purpose of implementing this ... in Conservation Measure 23-01; (ii) the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Data Reporting ... System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Data shall be reported on a haul-by-haul basis. For ...
Conservation Measure : 41-03 (2012)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-03 (2008)
with the provisions of Conservation Measure 24-02, vessels may, subject to paragraph 13 below, fish ... activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 15. For the purpose of implementing this ... in Conservation Measure 23-01; (ii) the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Data Reporting ... System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Data shall be reported on a haul-by-haul basis. For the ...
Conservation Measure : 41-03 (2008)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-03 (2009)
the provisions of Conservation Measure 24-02, vessels may, subject to paragraph 13 below, fish during ... activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 15. For the purpose of implementing this ... in Conservation Measure 23-01; (ii) the Monthly Fine-scale Catch and Effort Data Reporting ... System set out in Conservation Measure 23-04. Data shall be reported on a haul-by-haul basis. For the ...
Conservation Measure : 41-03 (2009)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 130/XVI (1997)
the total aggregate catch for the season to date. 10. A fine-scale effort and biological data ... the data required to complete the CCAMLR fine-scale catch and effort data form C1, latest version ... . These data shall be submitted to the CCAMLR Secretariat not later than one month after the vessel ... reported; (iv) the scientific observers(s) aboard each vessel shall collect data on the length ...
Conservation Measure : 130/XVI (1997)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-04 (2010)
shall fish at any one time. Catch limit 2. The total catch of Dissostichus spp. in Statistical Subarea ... , on board throughout all fishing activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 8. For ... . Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. 9. For the purpose of Conservation ... any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 10. Fine-scale biological data, as ...
Conservation Measure : 41-04 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-04 (2011)
than one vessel per country shall fish at any one time. Catch limit 2. The total catch of ... . Data: catch/effort 8. For the purpose of implementing this conservation measure in the 2011/12 ... Conservation Measure 23-04. Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. 9. For the ... species’ are defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 10. Fine-scale ...
Conservation Measure : 41-04 (2011)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 41-04 (2006)
vessel per country shall fish at any one time. Catch limit 2. The total catch of Dissostichus spp. in ... Observation, on board throughout all fishing activities within the fishing period. Data: catch/effort 8 ... . Fine-scale data shall be submitted on a haul-by-haul basis. 9. For the purpose of ... defined as any species other than Dissostichus spp. Data: biological 10. Fine-scale biological data ...
Conservation Measure : 41-04 (2006)