Résultats de la recherche
(Namibia) to the 10th annual meeting of SEAFO (South East Atlantic Fisheries Organisation) (Swakopmund ... Organisation (SPRFMO) CCAMLR Observer (Chile) CCAMLR-XXXIII/BG/39 Compilation of discussion on the issue of ...
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Page : Site Section: The Organisation
Navires autorisés
Pour participer aux activités de pêche dans la zone de la Convention, les Membres sont tenus de délivrer aux navires battant leur pavillon une licence, un permis ou une autorisation spécifiant les zones, les espèces et les périodes auxquelles la pêche est autorisée. Les informations détaillées sur
Page : Site Section: Compliance
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 22-07 (2009)
Interim measure for bottom fishing activities subject to Conservation Measure 22-06 encountering potential vulnerable marine ecosystems in the Convention Area Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted
Conservation Measure : 22-07 (2009)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 22-07 (2010)
Interim measure for bottom fishing activities subject to Conservation Measure 22-06 encountering potential vulnerable marine ecosystems in the Convention Area Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted
Conservation Measure : 22-07 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 22-07 (2008)
Interim measure for bottom fishing activities subject to Conservation Measure 22-06 encountering potential vulnerable marine ecosystems in the Convention Area Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted
Conservation Measure : 22-07 (2008)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 22-07 (2013)
Interim measure for bottom fishing activities subject to Conservation Measure 22-06 encountering potential vulnerable marine ecosystems in the Convention Area Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted
Conservation Measure : 22-07 (2013)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 29/X (1991)
Minimisation of the Incidental Mortality of Seabirds in the Course of Longline Fishing or Longline Fishing Research in the Convention Area Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-X Period in Force: 1991- 1992
Conservation Measure : 29/X (1991)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 29/XII (1993)
Minimisation of the Incidental Mortality of Seabirds in the Course of Longline Fishing or Longline Fishing Research in the Convention Area Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XII Period in Force: 1993- 1994
Conservation Measure : 29/XII (1993)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 29/XI (1992)
Minimisation of the Incidental Mortality of Seabirds in the Course of Longline Fishing or Longline Fishing Research in the Convention Area Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XI Period in Force: 1992- 1993
Conservation Measure : 29/XI (1992)