Résultats de la recherche
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 10-01 (1998)
Marking of fishing vessels and fishing gear Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XVII Period in Force: 1998- 2014
Conservation Measure : 10-01 (1998)
Proposal for research fishing in CCAMLR Subarea 48.6 during the three-year period 2016/17–2018/19
de peces observados y marcados, a efectos de lograr un nivel que permita robustecer el tamaño del ... Abstract: Presentar antecedentes y el objetivo de contribuir con un barco mas en la pesca de ... investigación en la Subárea 48.6 que aumentaria las chances de cuota de pesca de investigación y asi el número ... marco de la Medida de Conservación 41-04. Author(s): Delegation of Uruguay Title: Proposal for ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-16/12 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Uruguay
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-01 (2010)
Notification that Members are Considering Initiating a New Fishery Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXIX Period in Force: 2010- 2016
Conservation Measure : 21-01 (2010)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-01 (2019)
Notification that Members are considering initiating a new fishery Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-38 Period in Force: 2019-
Conservation Measure : 21-01 (2019)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-01 (2016)
Notification that Members are considering initiating a new fishery Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXXV Period in Force: 2016- 2019
Conservation Measure : 21-01 (2016)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-01 (2009)
Notification that Members are Considering Initiating a New Fishery Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXVIII Period in Force: 2009- 2010
Conservation Measure : 21-01 (2009)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-01 (2008)
Notification that Members are Considering Initiating a New Fishery Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXVII Period in Force: 2008- 2009
Conservation Measure : 21-01 (2008)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-01 (2006)
Notification that Members are Considering Initiating a New Fishery Limitations: Except for waters adjacent to the Kerguelen and Crozet Islands Except for waters adjacent to the Prince Edward Islands Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXV Period in Force: 2006- 2008
Conservation Measure : 21-01 (2006)
Full Name: Workshop on Management Procedures Location: Yokohama, Japan Date(s): Monday, 4 July 2005 to Friday, 8 July 2005 Submissions Due: Monday, 20 June 2005
Full Name: Working Group on Krill Location: Yalta, USSR Date(s): Monday, 22 July 1991 to Tuesday, 30 July 1991 Submissions Due: Monday, 8 July 1991 Meeting documents Doc Number Title WG-KRILL-91/02 List of participants WG-KRILL-91/03 List of documents WG-KRILL-91/04 Anthropogenic evolution of