Résultats de la recherche
Differentiation of independent populations of Antarctic krill
interet parmi plusieurs pays. Pour mettre en place un systeme de gestion efficace de la peche de krill ... de sous-populations independantes de krill. Une proposition relative a de prochaines etudes sur la ... DE KRILL ANTARTICO U.R.S.S. Resumen Recientemente varios paises han mostrado interes en la ... pesca comercial de krill. Se necesi ta una comprension de la estructura de la poblacion de krill para ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/3) : 275-281 : Auteur(s): USSR
... Predators ECOSYSTEM ASSESSMENT CCAMLR POLICY ON DATA ACCESS AND USE ORGANISATION OF FUTURE WORK ... Desirability of Expanding the Scope of CEMP and its Priorities and Needs ORGANISATION OF THE WORKING ... G. de Villiers, the Director of Sea Fisheries Administration in South Africa. ADOPTION OF THE
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Meeting Report : WG-CEMP-94
. Biagiotti, A. De Felice, M. Angiolillo, M. Bottaro and M. Vacchi (Italy) SG-ASAM-09/11 SUMMARY OF ACOUSTIC ...
Food consumption estimates of southern elephant seal females during their post-breeding aquatic phase at South Shetland Islands
, King George Island (25 de Mayo). During lactation females spent a mean of 6021±1365 Mj, which resulted ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-04/33 : Auteur(s): A.R. Carlini, G.A. Daneri, M.E.I. Márquez (Argentina), H. Bornemann (Germany), H. Panarello, R. Casaux (Argentina), S. Ramdohr and J. Plötz (Germany)
How similar are CEMP indices from adjacent locations? A case of study using Pygoscelis adeliae and P. papua monitoring data from three breeding colonies on King George Island
species that are monitored at three sites on King George Island/Isla 25 de Mayo, within 30km of one ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/43 : Auteur(s): M.M. Santos (Argentina), M. Korczak-Abshire (Poland), M.A. Juáres (Argentina), W.Z. Trivelpiece and J.T. Hinke (USA)
The reliability of VHF telemetry data for measuring attendance patterns of marine predators: a comparison with Time Depth Recorder data
. Oosthuizen, P.J. Nico De Bruyn, C. Lydersen and K. Kovacs Title: The reliability of VHF telemetry data for ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/P05 : Auteur(s): A.D. Lowther, H. Ahonen, G. Hofmeyr, W.C. Oosthuizen, P.J. Nico De Bruyn, C. Lydersen and K. Kovacs
Changing status of three notothenioid fish at the South Shetland Islands (1983–2016) after impacts of the 1970–80s commercial fishery
Potter Cove, King George Islands/ Isla 25 de Mayo, in a 33-year effort to monitor recovery. N. rossii and ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-17/P01 : Auteur(s): E. Barrera-Oro, E. Marschoff and D. Ainley
Growth and natural mortality of Patagonian rockcod (Patagonotothen guntheri shagensis) from Shag Rocks shelf
. Resume Les parametres de I'equation de croissance de Bertalanffy, en ce qui concerne la bocasse de ... la region des Shag Rocks de 1978 a 1986. Le taux de mortalite naturelle a ete estime par six ... methodes differentes et s'echelonnait entre 0,63 et 1,06. La valeur moyenne de la mortalite naturelle ... d'exploitation de la bocasse de Patagonie sont de 2,5 annees et de 12,6 cm. Pe310Me llapaMeTpbI ypaBHeHl15I ...
Science Journal Paper : Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6 (Selected Scientific Papers, SC-CAMLR-SSP/6) : 111–121 : Auteur(s): Shlibanov, V.I.
The role of fish as predators of krill (Euphausia superba) and other pelagic resources in the Southern Ocean (submitted to the 2008 Joint CCAMLR-IWC Workshop)
. Barrera-Oro Dirección Nacional del Antártico Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio ... underlying statistical model (Pennington, 1983; de la Mare, 1994). Information on pre-exploitation sizes ... the Southern Ocean being both predators and prey (e.g. Kock, 1992; La Mesa et al., 2004a; Ciaputa ... : (i) fish population biomass and number estimates both for those mesopelagic and abundant de- mersal ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 19 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 19) : 115–169 : Auteur(s): Kock, K.-H., E. Barrera-Oro, M. Belchier, M.A. Collins, G. Duhamel, S. Hanchet, L. Pshenichnov, D. Welsford and R. Williams
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Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-XXII