Résultats de la recherche
Résultats d'une évaluation du programme de la CCAMLR sur les débris marins
Abstract: This paper summarises a review of the CCAMLR Marine Debris monitoring program and considers ways in which the current program could be modernised. It recommends that the Scientific Committee establish an Intersessional Correspondence Group on Marine Debris to review and revise the
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/09 : Auteur(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Proposition d'atelier sur l'observation dans la pêcherie de krill
Abstract: The WG-EMM noted that it’s urgent to develop the sampling protocol which can be used by the observer consistently. The WG-EMM 2019 stressed the priorities for data collection, information sharing and overall tasking for observers in the krill fishery and recommended the timeliness of
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/22 : Auteur(s): Delegation of the People’s Republic of China
Amendements à la mesure de conservation 51-06 (2014) Mesure générale pour l'observation scientifique dans les pêcheries d'Euphausia superba
Abstract: Uncertainties in Antarctic krill stock still do not allow scientists to develop comprehensive system of Feedback management of krill fishery and to provide work on forecast of the ecosystem changes that has been discussed at the Bologna 2016 Meeting of the WG-EMM. To improve that
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXV/31 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Ukraine
Calendrier 2016 de la CCAMLR
Nous avons créé un calendrier mural A4 couvrant la saison de pêche 2015/16 et toute l'année 2016. Chaque mois est illustré par de magnifiques photos de l'?Antarctique? réalisées par John Weller, Karl-Hermann Kock, Volker Siegel, Eyal Kaplan, Clifford Hoang et Nicolas Gasco. Le calendrier
Page : Site Section: Publications
Nomenclature des réunions de la CCAMLR
Abstract: For CCAMLR Commission and Scientific Committee meetings, Roman numerals are used to identify the meetings and all meeting documents. This creates administrative complexity and can cause confusion for readers. The Secretariat proposes that CCAMLR retain the reference to meeting number in
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVII/15 : Auteur(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Le groupe d'experts sur « la planification spatiale pélagique des zones subantarctiques des domaines de planification 4, 5 et 6 » (PS²456)
Abstract: Paragraph 3.81 of the report of the CCAMLR Spatial Management Workshop in 2018 recommended that the Scientific Committee consider the creation of an expert group to continue the development of MPAs in Planning Domains 5 and 6, using the model established for the D1MPA. It noted that not
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/07 : Auteur(s): A. Makhado, P. Koubbi, A.D. Lowther, F. D’Ovidio, R. Reisinger, P. Pistorious, R. Crawford, P. Trathan and S. Grant
Examen de la stratégie d'engagement des PNC
Abstract: A desktop review of the non-Contracting Party (NCP) engagement strategy has identified the need for a revision of relevant policy documents. The Secretariat offers a new approach to NCP engagement which utilises the wider suite of engagement opportunities available to the Commission. The
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-38/14 : Auteur(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Rapport sur l’évaluation et al prévention de la mortalité accidentelle
Title: Rapport sur l’évaluation et al prévention de la mortalité accidentelle Approval: Approved ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVII/BG/41
Nouvelle brochure de la CCAMLR
Abstract: The Secretariat proposes to develop an up-to-date, accurate, well-presented brochure describing the work of CCAMLR that is accessible for the general public. It would include relevant images and infographics to make the resource visually accessible. The proposal is to develop this
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXXVII/16 : Auteur(s): CCAMLR Secretariat
Rapport de pêcherie : Dissostichus eleginoides îles Kerguelen dans la ZEE française (division 58.5.1)
Description / Abstract: APPENDIX M
Document : Site Section: Publications