Résultats de la recherche
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 119/XVI (1997)
par les autorités compétentes de cette partie, qui sont au fait des mesures de conservation de la CCAMLR ... de la CCAMLR, à moins que le navire n'établisse que le poisson a été capturé soit en dehors de la zone ... de la Convention,soit en respectant toutes les mesures de conservation pertinentes de la CCAMLR et les principes ... de conservation de la CCAMLR. 7. Les informations sur les résultats de tous les contrôles de navires de parties ... the Prince Edward Islands. Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XVI Period in Force: 1997- 1998 ...
Conservation Measure : 119/XVI (1997)
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-05 (2018)
les pêcheries de la CCAMLR, Reconnaissant la nécessité d’accroître la transparence et la documentation ... du paragraphe 1 ci-dessus, toutes les mesures de conservation de la CCAMLR pertinentes s'appliquent ... du rapport du Comité scientifique 48.1 Ukraine Dissostichus mawsoni 40 tonnes / 29 poses Aucune SC-CAMLR ... -XXXVII, 3.117 à 3.122 48.2 Ukraine Dissostichus mawsoni 75 tonnes / 48 poses Aucune SC-CAMLR-XXXVII ... Fishing for research purposes pursuant to Conservation Measure 24-01 Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR ...
Conservation Measure : 24-05 (2018)
... formats supported by a database management system, and to document each dataset in the Secretariat’s ... Acceding States inside and outside the CCAMLR Convention Area are set out in Table 3. Catches for the 1996 ... period was 50 323 tonnes, 16 698 tonnes from national fisheries (Table 3), 11 210 tonnes from CCAMLR ... Mauritius (Table 4) were quite similar to the total unreported catches from the 315 CCAMLR area (Table 3
application/pdf attached to:WG-FSA-98
Meeting Report : WG-FSA-98
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 24-05 (2017)
les pêcheries de la CCAMLR, Reconnaissant la nécessité d’accroître la transparence et la documentation ... les mesures de conservation de la CCAMLR pertinentes s'appliquent aux activités effectuées en vertu ... Meeting: CCAMLR-XXXVI Period in Force: 2017- 2018 ...
Conservation Measure : 24-05 (2017)
... described in the background paper. 16.3 It was emphasised that the new computing system should include ... before it Document CCAMLR-VI/4 ‘Examination of the Audited Financial Statements’. 3. The Auditor had ... ’ contributions to the CCAMLR Budget in accordance with Article XIX.3: • those countries engaged in harvesting ... SECRETARY’S REPORT OF THE MEETING OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE (SCAF) 3
application/pdf attached to:SCAF-87
Meeting Report : SCAF-87
Accord avec la CPPCO
WCPFC) and the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (hereafter CCAMLR ... Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (hereafter CAMLR Convention) is the conservation of ... collaboration with CCAMLR in order to contribute to the attainment of the objective of the WCPF Convention ... . NOTING FURTHER that the Preamble to the CAMLR Convention recognises that it is desirable for CCAMLR to ...
Document : Site Section: The Organisation
Technical note on the sampling procedures of the Saga Sea
using modified gear and trawl system. The Committee agreed that this new technology would not be ... considered a ‘new and exploratory fishery’ if a monitoring system was implemented that provided adequate ... response to these concerns a monitoring system has been developed in collaboration between Norway’s ... Abstract: At the 2005 Scientific Committee (the Committee) Meeting (CCAMLR), Norway indicated ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-06/18 : Auteur(s): J. Hooper (United Kingdom), T. Knutsen (Norway), D. Agnew (United Kingdom) and S.A. Iversen (Norway)
... . However, the Group concluded that the SCAR reporting system does not provide the necessary level of ... association with the Sixth Meeting of the CCAMLR Scientific Committee in Hobart, Australia. 2. At its first ... Scientific Committee. 3. Two papers prepared by the Convener were available for discussion at the meeting ... detail and that a format designed for the unique ecosystem approach of CCAMLR would be preferable. 6
application/pdf attached to:WG-LTP-87
Meeting Report : WG-LTP-87
Conservation Measure Conservation Measure 21-01 (2010)
une méthode particulière dans une sous-zone ou division statistique pour laquelle la CCAMLR n'a jamais reçu ... et soumettre à la CCAMLR, avant la date convenue, un Plan des activités de pêche de la saison de pêche ... de déclaration annuelle de ces données à la CCAMLR ; ii) un plan qui servira de base à l'effort de pêche ... Adopted at Meeting: CCAMLR-XXIX Period in Force: 2010- 2016 ...
Conservation Measure : 21-01 (2010)
procedures of setting / hauling of Spanish longline system for toothfish in CCAMLR area T. Jung and H.J. Choi ... , 10 October 2011 to Friday, 21 October 2011 Meeting documents Doc Number Title CCAMLR-XXX/05 Report on ... the independent review of CCAMLR’s data management systems Secretariat CCAMLR-XXX/08 The CCAMLR ... Secretariat Strategic Plan and associated Staffing Strategy Executive Secretary CCAMLR-XXX/11 Rev. 1 Summary ...