Résultats de la recherche
Draft MPA Report for the South Orkney Islands Southern Shelf (MPA Planning Domain 1, Subarea 48.2)
system of protected areas across the Convention Area. In 2013, a preliminary draft MPA Report was ... established by CCAMLR in 2009 (CCAMLR-XXVIII paragraph 7.1; CM 91-03), with the objective of contributing ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/25 : Auteur(s): Delegation of the European Union
Proposal of the Russian Federation to open Subarea 88.3 for exploratory fishery of Dissostichus spp.
“Chio Maru 3”. Totally, during the work period 44 longlines were set at a depth from 625 to 2336 m ... biological parameters associated with productivity (SC-CCAMLR-XXX/5, par. 2.26-2.29). Toothfish`s biomass was ... calculated by the accepted in SC-CCAMLR-XXX/5 p.2.40 (ii) formula. Value of toothfish`s stock by SSRUs and ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-13/12 : Auteur(s): Delegation of the Russian Federation
Coordinating approaches to incidental mortality arising from fisheries
. CCAMLR has developed a comprehensive system for mitigation of seabird incidental mortality, but ... fecundity, potentially greater longevity and slow growth rates. Within CCAMLR, the impetus for action and ... approach to managing by-catch issues in CCAMLR. Author(s): A.J. Constable, C. Davies, A.T. Williamson, R ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-03/71 : Auteur(s): A.J. Constable, C. Davies, A.T. Williamson, R. Williams and E. van Wijk (Australia)
Progress report on the scientific data compilation and analyses in support of the planning of a potential Marine Protected Area (MPA) east of the zero meridian in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica)
meridian in the Weddell Sea (Antarctica) Microsoft Word File: sc-38-bg-14.docx Approval: Approved ... Abstract: In recent years, CCAMLR Member States have undertaken substantial efforts to designate ... marine protected areas (MPAs) within the CCAMLR Convention Area in order to conserve marine living ... (CCAMLR XXXVII para 6.31, 6.37). Most CCAMLR Members supported Norway’s suggestion (CCAMLR XXXVII para ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-38/BG/14 : Auteur(s): G. Griffith, T. Hatterman, A. Høgestøl, Y. Kasajima, A. Lowther, S. Moreau, B. Njaastad, P. Koubbi, C. von Quillfeldt, T. Brey, K. Teschke and O.A. Bergstad
Saga Sea krill harvesting and production
friendly continuous trawling system, named Aker Eco Harvesting System. The system is described in the paper ... catch is brought onboard continuously through a suction driven system. The system is completely closed ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-06/20 : Auteur(s): T. Williksen (Norway)
2010/11 (Conservation Measure 21-01). The notifications were posted on the CCAMLR website and have been ... subsequently distributed as Commission working papers (CCAMLR-XXIX/22 to XXIX/31). The notification summary ... vessels and catch limits agreed in 2009/10, are given in Table 2. 3. The number of notifications received ... fishing activities on vulnerable marine ecosystems. These assessments are collated in CCAMLR-XXIX/21. 1 ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIX/20 : Auteur(s): Secretariat
... the preliminary form of this model. The aim is to model the predator-prey system around Elephant ... deliberations of WG-Krill about modelling. The model describes a single through- flow system with flux of krill ... results in greater spatial and temporal variability within the system. Relatively small variability in ... CCAMLR ECOSYSTEM MONITORING PROGRAM (Cape Town, South Africa, 27 July to 2 August 1994) 1
application/pdf attached to:WG-Joint-94
Meeting Report : WG-Joint-94
Preliminary assessment of mackerel icefish Champsocephalus gunnari in Subarea 48.3 based on the 2017 groundfish survey
CCAMLR harvest control rule lead to catch limits (TAC) of 4 733 tonnes for 2017/18 and 3 269 tonnes for ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-17/47 : Auteur(s): T. Earl
Research plan for the exploratory fisheries for Dissostichus spp. in Division 58.4.2 in 2014/15
least 3 years with the same sample size as decided at the last CCAMLR meeting in the current research ... the latest CCAMLR C2 and observer data toward the development of research plan for the 2014/15 ... research plan in Subarea 48.6 (CCAMLR MEMBER_Japan, 2014). Author(s): Delegation of Japan Title: Research ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-14/03 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Japan
A potential feedback approach to ecosystem-based management: Model Predictive Control of the Antarctic krill fishery
spatially resolved annual catch limits in response to estimates of the state of the system. It suggests that ... the risk of harvested species biomass falling to unacceptable levels. File: Hill and Cannon.pdf ... Control of the Antarctic krill fishery Abstract / Description: CCAMLR aims to develop a feedback approach ... state of the system. It suggests that feedback management is both feasible and a more effective way to ... estimating both the state of the system and the parameters that describe its dynamics (Bitmead et al., 1990 ... operating models representing the controlled system and monitoring process. In both cases there is a ... controlled system (the harvested stock or ecosystem, or the operat- ing model), a process for estimating its ...
Science Journal Paper : CCAMLR Science, Volume 20 (CCAMLR Science, Volume 20) : 119–137 : Auteur(s): Hill, S.L. and M. Cannon