Résultats de la recherche
Methodological aspects of the International Synoptic Krill Survey in Area 48, 2019
Abstract: The effect of differences in the methodology used for the CCAMLR 2000 krill acoustic ... night, 2) differing trawl selectivity between the vessels that participated in the survey, and 3) the ...
Meeting Document : SG-ASAM-2019/10 : Auteur(s): G. Macaulay, G. Skaret, T. Knutsen and B. Krafft
Uncertainty in standard sphere calibrations
variations in the system gains of 0.3, 0.2 and 1.5 dB, respectively. Additionally, system gain values ... sphere exhibited a larger difference of 2.5 dB. A system calibration by the method of self-reciprocity ... experiments, system calibration with an optimal standard sphere is estimated to be accurate to-1.2 dB, with a ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-95/70 : Auteur(s): Demer, D.A., Hewitt, R.P.
Informing the Scientific Committee about the revisions of the WSMPA proposal
in the Weddell Sea (WSMPA) to CCAMLR 2016, Germany has carried out further work on the WSMPA proposal ... and the EU has submitted a revised CM proposal to CCAMLR 2018. This document is based on similar ... documents submitted to WG SAM 2018 and the CCAMLR Workshop on Spatial Management (WS-SM-18). It intends to ... outcome of the CCAMLR Workshop for the Development of a Dissostichus mawsoni Population Hypothesis for ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-XXXVII/BG/14 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Germany
... urgent steps to introduce a log book system for all commercial fishing operations on krill and fish with ... with Article XXIII of the Convention. FAO has an established system for the reporting of catch and ... description of the types of data; an indication of the system(s) used to store and retrieve data ... Common Format Appendix 3: Boundaries of the main statistical regions in the Southern Ocean
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Meeting Report : SC-CAMLR-I
... Financial Statements for 1992 (CCAMLR-XII/3) Data Management (CCAMLR-XII/8) Position of Data Manager ... (Position Descriptions) Review of Formula for Calculating of Members’ Contributions (CCAMLR-XII/6 ... ) Interest on Late Payment of Members’ Contributions (CCAMLR-XII/14) Review of Possible Areas of Cost Saving ... (CCAMLR-XII/7) Review of Budget for 1993 (CCAMLR-XII/4) Budget for 1994 and Forecast Budget for 1995
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Meeting Report : SCAF-93
system and what is required to support an estimated predator consumption of 128-470 Mt y-1. Given the ... CCAMLR Synoptic Survey of the Scotia Sea area (37.3 Mt). Thus the CCAMLR 2000 survey area contains 28% of ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-08/17 : Auteur(s): A. Atkinson (United Kingdom), V. Siegel (Germany), E.A. Pakhomov (South Africa), M.J. Jessopp (United Kingdom) and V. Loeb (USA)
Infectious diseases of Antarctic penguins: current status and future threats
System, means that our understanding is still patchy. A feather loss condition of unknown etiology ... , we recommend CCAMLR establish a health/disease monitoring program (including designated control sites ... be used by CCAMLR to help inform management decisions. Author(s): W.W. Grimaldi, P.J. Seddon, P.O.B ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/53 : Auteur(s): W.W. Grimaldi, P.J. Seddon, P.O.B. Lyver, S. Nakagawa and D.M. Tompkins (New Zealand)
Research plan for the 2016/17 exploratory longline fishery of Dissostichus spp. in Subarea 48.6 by South Africa and Japan
the Weddell gyre system from the location, but the larvae dispersion model previously reported shows ... using the updated CCAMLR C2 and Observer data. We have firstly checked data quality and found some ... : Content Approved Delegation responsibility for releasing documents: CCAMLR Secretariat ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-16/07 : Auteur(s): Delegations of Japan and South Africa
... the effect of introducing a reward system after a tagging program has been established are likely to ... impacted by this change, but would continue to use the current survey data reporting system (i.e. form C4 ... CCAMLR TAGGING PROGRAM.................................... 136 Overview ... Preview of the new CCAMLR website ................................................... 152 ADVICE TO THE
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Meeting Report : WG-SAM-12
The case for including the Ross Sea continental shelf and slope in a Southern Ocean network of marine protected areas
hydrography and biota of a high latitude system. The Ross Sea benthos is especially rich and the abundance of ... Abstract: Both the Convention for the Conservation of Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) and the ... Ross Sea shelf and slope become part of the CCAMLR network, allowing marine science to continue without ... the regions recognized by CCAMLR through the bioregionalisation process in 2008, and by the Antarctic ...
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XXIX/BG/26 : Auteur(s): ASOC Observer