Résultats de la recherche
Implementación de las medidas de conservación de la CCRVMA en Chile
Author(s): Delegación de Chile Title: Implementación de las medidas de conservación de la CCRVMA en Chile Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/27 : Auteur(s): Delegación de Chile
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1998/99
Author(s): Delegation of Ukraine Title: Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1998/99 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/19 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Ukraine
New Zealand report on lost fishing gear, marine debris and the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in Statistical Subarea 88.1 in the 1998/99 season
Author(s): Delegation of New Zealand Title: New Zealand report on lost fishing gear, marine debris and the assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in Statistical Subarea 88.1 in the 1998/99 season Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/20 : Auteur(s): Delegation of New Zealand
International conference, monitoring, control and surveillance on fishing activities Santiago, Chile, 25–27 January 2000
Author(s): Secretariat Title: International conference, monitoring, control and surveillance on fishing activities Santiago, Chile, 25–27 January 2000 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/24 : Auteur(s): Secretariat
Information on trade in Dissostichus spp.
Author(s): Delegation of Australia Title: Information on trade in Dissostichus spp. Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/29 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Australia
US plans for fishing for crab in Subarea 48.3 in accordance with Conservation Measures 150/XVII and 151/XVII
Author(s): Delegation of the USA Title: US plans for fishing for crab in Subarea 48.3 in accordance with Conservation Measures 150/XVII and 151/XVII Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/30 : Auteur(s): Delegation of the USA
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1998/99
Abstract: This papaer summarises reports of lost, discarded and deployed fishing and marine gear and related activities undertaken by Australia in the Convention Area during the year to 30 June 1999. Author(s): Delegation of Australia Title: Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/31 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Australia
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1998/99
Author(s): Delegation of the USA Title: Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1998/99 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/35 : Auteur(s): Delegation of the USA
Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1998/99
Author(s): Delegation of the Republic of Korea Title: Report on assessment and avoidance of incidental mortality in the Convention Area 1998/99 Approval: Approved
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/36 : Auteur(s): Delegation of the Republic of Korea
Summary of measures taken to combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in the Convention Area for the year to 30 June 1999
Abstract: This paper summarises activities undertaken by Australia to combat illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing in the Convention Area during the year to 30 June 1999. Author(s): Delegation of Australia Title: Summary of measures taken to combat illegal, unregulated and unreported
Meeting Document : CCAMLR-XVIII/BG/37 : Auteur(s): Delegation of Australia