Résultats de la recherche
Development of the krill stock in the elephant island region during the 1996/97 season
/96, the present juvenile age group 1 +, does not repeat the very successful recruitment of the ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-97/16 : Auteur(s): Siegel, V.
Peches exploratoires dans la sous-zone 58.6, resultats des campagnes 1983 a 1995
-adults and adults as observed in the division 58-5-1 (Kerguelen) located more easternly. Two geographical ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-95/10 : Auteur(s): Duhamel, G.
Analysis of changes in biomass of fish stocks in the South Georgia Area in 1976/77 – 1986/87
-1986/87. In most of the seasons analysed, the estimates covered a near-bottom layer in about 1/6 of the ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-87/10 : Auteur(s): M. Mucha and W. Ślósarczyk (Poland)
Analysis of changes in biomass of fish stocks in the south Georgia Area in 1976/77 – 1986/87
-1986/87. In most of the seasons analysed, the estimates covered a near-bottom layer in about 1/6 of the ...
Meeting Document : SC-CAMLR-VI/BG/40 : Auteur(s): M. Mucha and W. Ślósarczyk (Poland)
Progress report on the Weddell Sea Research Program Stage II
Antarctic toothfish was 228 t, by-catch – appr. 2 t. CPUE per 1 km main line was 1635 kg at average. As a ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-14/05 : Auteur(s): A.F. Petrov, I.I. Gordeev, S.V. Pianova and E.F. Uryupova (Russia)
Update on the analysis of fish by-catch in the krill fishery using data from the CCAMLR Scheme of Scientific Observation
0.98 and there were 14 taxa for which the frequency of occurrence was >1% in any subarea (of which 7 ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-14/31 Rev. 1 : Auteur(s): Secretariat
Progress report on the Weddell Sea Research Program Stage II
the Antarctic toothfish was 228 t, by-catch – appr. 2 t. CPUE per 1 km main line was 1635 kg at ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-14/03 Rev. 2 : Auteur(s): A.F. Petrov, I.I. Gordeev, S.V. Pianova and E. F. Uryupova (Russia)
Using tag-recapture data to estimate catchability of a series of random stratified trawl surveys
which collectively result in an estimate of catchability that can be well below or above 1. Author(s ...
Meeting Document : WG-SAM-15/34 : Auteur(s): W. de la Mare, P. Ziegler and D. Welsford (Australia)
Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in Antarctica
Environmental Protection (CEP XVIII) at its June 1-5 meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria (WP 40, Important Bird Areas ...
Meeting Document : WG-EMM-15/32 : Auteur(s): P.A. Penhale (USA)
Modelling the circumpolar distribution of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichus mawsoni) habitat suitability using correlative species distribution modelling methods
approaches was tested: (1) a random background sampling approach across the CAMLR Convention Area and; (2) a ...
Meeting Document : WG-FSA-15/64 : Auteur(s): CCAMLR Secretariat