The CCAMLR banner gives an overview of what CCAMLR is and what it does. It is available for use at events.
An intergovernmental organisation consisting of 25 Members (24 countries and the European Union) and 11 Acceding States. Established by international convention in 1982, CCAMLR operates in four languages (English, French, Russian and Spanish).
The Secretariat, in Hobart, Tasmania, employs staff in the fields of science, data management, IT, compliance, communications and finance and administration.
Responsible for multilateral collaboration supporting:
- the conservation of Antarctic marine ecosystems
- the application of the best available scientific information to manage the rational use of living marine resources in the CAMLR Convention Area
{Maintain ecosystem processes + Manage sustainable fishing} = Ecosystem based management approach
- Reducing IUU fishing
- Establishing the world’s first high-seas MPA covering 94 000 km2
- Closing areas to fishing where stocks were seriously depleted prior to the establishment of CCAMLR
- Monitoring changes in populations that might be related to climate variability or fishing
- Minimising the human impact on vulnerable benthic ecosystems
- Reducing seabird mortality in high-seas areas to virtually zero